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Environment Safer Paints, Cleaning and Other Chemical Products

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Smarter Solutions For A Better Environment

Clean air and water initiatives focus on the reduction and prevention of pollution. To help attain these environmental goals, GSA contracted for applicable chemical items in the supply system to have reduced pollutants—items such as:

  • Paints
  • Coatings
  • Sealants
  • Ceaners
  • Degreasers

To do this, GSA modified product specifications for these types of items to require the reduction/elimination of detrimental components. The process will continue to explore further reductions, where possible, and work with such agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to pursue the goals of environmentally preferable purchasing, as defined in Executive Order 13423

An Environmental Specialty Category has been added to GSAAdvantage!® online shopping experience. The Environmental Specialty Category allows federal buyers with direct access to our variety of products offerings that contain environmental attributes. This is the latest effort to assist federal customers in making "green" purchases. GSA has identified products that are less detrimental to the environment. For most of the safer paints, cleaning, and other chemical products, vendors denote whether the product meets the specifications and determine which symbols to display. GSA contracting specialists do quality assurance checks. If there is a question about a particular designation, customers should contact the Schedule vendor for confirmation prior to placing an order.

Purchasing these products from GSA means meeting the procurement requirements established by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 23.7 and Executive Order 13423.

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