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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Ask a Reference Question

This service is available to any resident of New Mexico with a current Albuquerque/Bernalillo County library card. If you do not have one, see information on how to get a library card. Or, you can call the Information Services Department at (505) 768-5141 during business hours to ask a reference question.

Please enter information in the appropriate boxes below. Incomplete question forms will not be processed. Use the "Submit" button to send your request. The "Reset" button will clear all the information you have typed, if you wish to start over.

Please understand that the nature of email makes it very difficult to respond to in-depth reference questions. The reference staff is able to answer brief, factual questions or suggest additional places to look. You can help by answering all of the questions below as fully as possible.

If your browser does not support forms, send an e-mail to: Indicate on the Subject Line that you are asking a reference question and provide all the information requested below.

Email Address*


Library Card Number*






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Phone (be sure to include phone number above)


What would you like to know?* (Please be as complete and specific as possible)


Please provide some background on this question. Where did you hear about it? What is the context? Where have you already looked, etc?*


*required to submit your question

Need more information? Call Main Information Services at 768-5141


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