June 2, 2008

Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station takes TVs, other electronics, fluorescent tubes, bulbs

King County’s new Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station now offers residents and businesses a convenient place to safely recycle TVs, CD, DVD and VCRs, plus fluorescent light bulbs and tubes.

“Although there are a significant number of ‘Take It Back Network’ electronics recyclers throughout King County, few electronics recycling options exist in the Shoreline area,” said Kevin Kiernan, director of the King County Solid Waste Division. “We are offering this new recycling service to help fill that gap.”

Fees and limits on the quantities of recyclable items include:

  • TVs - $15, $25 or $35 depending on the size, limit of three;
  • CD/DVD/VCR Players - $5 each, limit of three;
  • Fluorescent bulbs and tubes – 80 cents each, limit of 12 of each type.

King County won’t accept computers or monitors, because the private sector offers several nearby recycling options for those materials.

Kiernan said enhanced recycling opportunities are a cornerstone of the Solid Waste Division’s future business plan.

“The Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station is the model for the next generation of facilities, and we expect to offer convenient, expanded recycling options at each of our new stations,” he said. “Redirecting items with value from the waste stream conserves resources, is better for the environment and leaves room in the landfill for the things that really need to be there.”

The new facility was dedicated in February following a nearly two-year rebuilding project. It is eligible to be the first recycling and transfer station to attain the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design gold rating.

The station has numerous sustainable and green-built features, including a roof-top rainwater harvesting system for on-site use, solar energy panels, natural ventilation, extensive use of recycled and green-certified materials and more.

For more information on the Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station, visit http://www.metrokc.gov/dnrp/swd/facilities/shoreline-transfer.asp?ID=346. For information about the Take It Back Network, visit www.takeitbacknetwork.org.

Related Information

Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station

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Take it Back Network (External Link)

King County Solid Waste Division