Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

An Agency of the Idaho State Board of Education

VR Services
VR Offices
Frequently Asked Questions
Jobs with VR

State Rehabilitation Council

Other Resources

What is VR? VR is a state federal program whose goal is to assist people with disabilities to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment. Idaho Vocational Rehabilitation Logo
Our Vision: "Your Success at work means our work is a success."

Our Mission: "Preparing individuals with disabilities for employment and community enrichment."

VR Publications:

(please use the search feature [binoculars icon] located in the toolbar of the .pdf document to locate any referenced material you are seeking in the documents below.)

Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Field Services Manual

DRAFT of the IDVR State Plan Attachments for FFY 2009

Strategic Plan 2008 - 2012

IDVR is a unique agency that helps individuals with disabilities take their place in the work force and in the community.  This web page shares the stories of nine consumers who have benefited from our services as well as from the partnerships that IDVR has developed with other agencies and organizations.  Congratulations to all our successful clients! (NEW)


State Agencies can purchase goods and services from
persons with severe disabilities employed by
Community Rehabilitation Programs.

Idaho State Seal

Idaho Works

Idaho State Board Of Education

Ticket to Work

Thanks for visiting this website, last update made on 5/22/08                                                                                                      

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