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No Child Left Behind (NCLB)


The Division of Student Achievement and School Accountability is committed to providing support to Idaho schools and districts in their efforts to improve student achievement and ensure that Idaho students are proficient in meeting our state standards and prepared for a successful future.


Rob Sauer
Interim Deputy Superintendent

Rachel Rychener
Administrative Assistant

Test Coordinator's Guide

Content Areas and Instructional Services Team Vision

The Content Areas and Instructional Services (CAIS) team develops, revises, and continuously monitors content standards in order to improve student achievement and prepare students for post-secondary education and the workforce; CAIS provides technical assistance that supports schools in delivering standards-based instruction.

NCLB Team Vision

The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) team provides technical assistance, funding, and an accountability system to support schools and districts in increasing student achievement.

Special Education Team Vision

The Special Education (SPED) team provides general supervision and support to schools and districts to ensure a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities, ages 3-21, resulting in improved post-school outcomes.

Response to Intervention Team Vision

Response to Intervention is committed to the idea that we can effectively teach all children.   Early intervention offers solutions to learning difficulties while they are still  relatively small.  RtI offers a multi-tier model  Educational  decisions are based on student progress using a problem solving method.   RtI uses research-based interventions
and instruction, carefully monitoring each student.