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Aeronautics Resources

Welcome to the Aeronautics Resource developed by LTP at the Glenn Research Center. This section includes the guides on various aeronautic principles, fun activities to teach students by example, and web-based simulations with pre and post-simulation exercises.

Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics
How do airplanes work? Why does a wing change shape on takeoff and landing?

Beginner's Guide to Propulsion
How do jet engines work? Why are there different kinds of jet engines?

Beginner's Guide to High Speed Aerodynamics
What are shock waves? What happens in hypersonic flow?

Beginner's Guide to Model Rockets
The Beginner's Guide to Model Rockets will show you the basic math and physics that govern the design and flight of model rockets.

Beginner's Guide to Kites
The Beginner's Guide to Kites will show you the basic math and physics that govern the design and flight of kites.

Some activities included are paper airplanes, wind tunnel building, puzzles, rockets, formula explanations and experiments.

Foil Sim
FoilSim II computes the theoretical lift of a variety of airfoil shapes

Engine Sim
EngineSim is a simulator that models the design and testing of jet engines.

Undergraduate Programs
This group of programs help you study compressible aerodynamics.

Rocket Modeler II - UPDATED!
This program lets you design and study the flight of a model rockets and more!

Kite Modeler
This program lets you design and study the flight of a kite.

Curve Ball Sim
Using the CurveBall applet, students learn more about aerodynamics by controlling the conditions of a big league baseball pitch.

Range Game
This program presents a variety of multiple choice math and physics problems involving aircraft performance.

Atmosphere Sim
This program lets you study how pressure, temperature, and density change through the atmosphere.

The GasLab
This set of computer animations lets you study the gas laws and the equation of state of a gas.


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Editor: Tom Benson
NASA Official: Tom Benson
Last Updated: Jul 14 2008

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