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Genomic Technologies Program

The Genomic Technologies Program works to make the sequencing and assembly process at JGI more efficient and to improve the quality of genomes produced. It accomplishes this by developing new protocols and evaluating new methods and instruments for use in production. Its efforts improve the overall quality of genomes produced at JGI and continually increase the institute's capabilities. Notable initiatives include developing methods to improve read lengths, decrease reagent costs, construct and normalize cDNA libraries, and quickly close gaps and link contigs and scaffolds together in an assembly.


Sequencing Technologies

The Sequencing Technologies group evaluates and validates new high-throughput DNA sequencing platforms. Subsequently, they may develop and implement new methods and protocols for eventual use in production at JGI. This group is also directly involved in research activities within and beyond JGI research groups. This research allows JGI to improve its approach to traditional problems like gene discovery, SNP detection, gene expression, and gap closure.

EST/cDNA Projects

This group is responsible for managing all cDNA projects at JGI. When external EST data is not available for a large-genome organism, the group conducts EST sequencing in support of the longer genome project. Group members also engage in some stand-alone EST and full-length cDNA projects.


Program Head: Len A. Pennacchio

cDNA/EST Projects

Erika Lindquist

Mei Wang

Edward Kirton

Cindy Choi

Sequencing Technology

Feng Chen

David Hillman

Mary Ann Pedraza

Zhiying Jean Zhao

Sirisha Sunkara

Kanwar Singh

Natasha Zvenigorodsky

Maria Shin

Jeff Froula