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FDIC Consumer News

Summer 2006 – Start Smart: Money Management for Teens

Another Good Use of Your Money: Helping the Less Fortunate

You may think the most important reason to save and manage money is to take good care of yourself. It is, but you should also consider using some of your money (and some of your time) to help others less fortunate than you in your town or around the world.

"People who give generously of their time and their money get tremendous amounts of satisfaction in return," said Liz Kelderhouse, an FDIC Community Affairs Officer. "You'll feel great knowing you're making a difference, and you'll have a better appreciation of what you're fortunate enough to have."

How can you get more involved sharing your time and money with others? Here are some possibilities:

  • Donate part of your allowance or gift money to a charity you admire.
  • Ask friends and family to donate to a charity instead of giving you birthday or holiday gifts.
  • Join or start an organization at school or in your community that helps others.
  • Coordinate with friends and parents on a lemonade sale, car wash, a toy or food collection, or some other event for a local charity.
  • Volunteer to mow the lawn, rake leaves or handle another chore for an ill or elderly neighbor.
  • Help your parents when they volunteer for a good cause or donate items to a charity.
  • Participate in a walk or run that raises money for a charity.

Need more ideas or direction? Start by talking to your parents and other family members. Also, your city or county government may have Web sites that list local charities and volunteer opportunities.

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Last Updated 08/18/2006


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