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Training & Events

An online tutorial for Partial FMS 224 Conversion

Partial FMS 224 Hands-on Training

The GovernmentWide Accounting Modernization Project (GWAMP) is converting all FMS 224 users from the current GOALS II system to the GWA Partial FMS 224 as a GWA non-reporter. This process will be in two phases beginning June 2008 and must be completed by September 2008 for the August 2008 accounting period.

The purpose of this training is to point out the differences in the GOALS II FMS 224 and the new Partial FMS 224 application. In addition, this training will prepare you for the upcoming conversion by providing you with a format to discuss any questions or concerns.

Are you ready to become a GWA IPAC Reporter and interested in meeting with the GWAMP team to learn about your next steps? Please download this form, follow the instructions, and fax it back to the number listed. We will try our best to meet with you or accommodate your request.

GWA IPAC Reporter Meeting Request Form MS Word File for GWA IPAC Reporter Meeting Request Form
(49 KB)

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   Last Updated:  Wednesday August 20, 2008

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