Florida Division of Blind Services

Welcome to the Florida Division of Blind Services Web site.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!

September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month. The theme for this year's celebration is "Honoring a Legacy, Shaping Florida's Future."   During Hispanic Heritage Month take time to read about Hispanic culture.  Check out the Hispanic Heritage Month 2008 recommended reading list available in Braille or on tape.

Win a full four-year tuition scholarship to a Florida college or university of their choice, provided by the Florida Prepaid College Foundation, by entering Governor Charlie Crist's Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest.  Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest is open to all K-12 students in the state of Florida. Three winners will be selected: one elementary (K-5) student, one middle (6-8) student and one high school (9-12) student. Winners will be notified the week of October 6, 2008.  Contest rules are located at: http://www.floridahispanicheritage.com/essay.cfm

If you are of Hispanic origin and at least 40, consider celebrating with a visit to an eye doctor. Research indicates that glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness among Hispanics (Rodriguez, 2002).  Also, people who are of Hispanic origin are almost twice as likely and non-Hispanic to develop diabetic retinopathy. (American Diabetes Association). Read about these common eye diseases.

Video Descriptions and Digital Television Transition

After February 17, 2009 all full power broadcast television stations will only broadcast in digital format. This will not only effect people using closed captioning, but also persons using video descriptions. The Federal Communications Commission recently published a pamphlet on video descriptions and the digital television transition for consumers.

Consumers are advised to ask their service providers for information about the availability of video descriptions and to ask manufacturers or retailers how the audio streams will be accessed. Also check to see if the remote control and on-screen menus are accessible to individuals with vision disabilities. Read the full FCC Consumer Advisory on Video Descriptions and the Digital Television Transition.

Hurricane Safety

The Florida Emergency Information Line (FEIL) is now operational.  The FEIL hotline is: 1-800-342-3557.

If you have a disability and need transportation to a shelter or safe location, you must register with your county's Emergency Management Section. You can find your county's home page and contact information on the Emergency Management Contact List.

Special Needs Sheltering Information Index:

Citizen Emergency Information:

Florida Division of Emergency Management, Information for the Public:

From now until the end of November, people in Florida must be prepared for hurricanes. Read hurricane safety information.

Sports and Home Eye Safety

There are thousands of eye injuries a year related to common household products and sports. Learn more about eye safety during sport activities and in the home.

Healthy Aging Month: September

Educational Television Network, Inc.

Top Stories Related to Blindness

Keeping up with top stories related to blindness and visual loss isn't easy. Read Top Stories Related to Blindness including topics like assistive technology, business, and talking books.

The mission of Florida Blind Services is to ensure blind and visually impaired persons living in Florida have the tools, support, and opportunity to achieve success.

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