Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

  HOUSEHOLD DATA                                                                                                           HOUSEHOLD DATA
  Table A-1.  Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

  (Numbers in thousands)
                                                   Not seasonally adjusted                      Seasonally adjusted (1)                  
         Employment status, sex, and age                                                                                                 
                                                   Aug.      July      Aug.      Aug.      Apr.      May       June      July      Aug.  
                                                   2007      2008      2008      2007      2008      2008      2008      2008      2008  
  Civilian noninstitutional population.........  232,211   233,864   234,107   232,211   233,198   233,405   233,627   233,864   234,107 
    Civilian labor force.......................  153,493   156,300   155,387   152,886   153,957   154,534   154,390   154,603   154,853 
          Participation rate...................     66.1      66.8      66.4      65.8      66.0      66.2      66.1      66.1      66.1 
      Employed.................................  146,406   146,867   145,909   145,753   146,331   146,046   145,891   145,819   145,477 
          Employment-population ratio..........     63.0      62.8      62.3      62.8      62.7      62.6      62.4      62.4      62.1 
      Unemployed...............................    7,088     9,433     9,479     7,133     7,626     8,487     8,499     8,784     9,376 
          Unemployment rate....................      4.6       6.0       6.1       4.7       5.0       5.5       5.5       5.7       6.1 
    Not in labor force.........................   78,717    77,564    78,719    79,325    79,241    78,871    79,237    79,261    79,253 
      Persons who currently want a job.........    4,965     5,213     5,024     4,733     4,755     4,766     4,888     4,997     4,796 
             Men, 16 years and over                                                                                                      
  Civilian noninstitutional population.........  112,354   113,154   113,281   112,354   112,803   112,912   113,029   113,154   113,281 
    Civilian labor force.......................   82,541    84,113    83,296    81,929    82,256    82,602    82,528    82,889    82,807 
          Participation rate...................     73.5      74.3      73.5      72.9      72.9      73.2      73.0      73.3      73.1 
      Employed.................................   78,972    78,991    78,423    78,066    78,038    77,954    77,794    77,823    77,632 
          Employment-population ratio..........     70.3      69.8      69.2      69.5      69.2      69.0      68.8      68.8      68.5 
      Unemployed...............................    3,569     5,122     4,872     3,863     4,218     4,648     4,734     5,066     5,176 
          Unemployment rate....................      4.3       6.1       5.8       4.7       5.1       5.6       5.7       6.1       6.3 
    Not in labor force.........................   29,813    29,040    29,986    30,425    30,547    30,310    30,502    30,264    30,474 
             Men, 20 years and over                                                                                                      
  Civilian noninstitutional population.........  103,723   104,490   104,613   103,723   104,152   104,258   104,371   104,490   104,613 
    Civilian labor force.......................   78,793    79,752    79,476    78,526    78,776    78,878    79,037    79,327    79,318 
          Participation rate...................     76.0      76.3      76.0      75.7      75.6      75.7      75.7      75.9      75.8 
      Employed.................................   75,821    75,643    75,305    75,274    75,148    75,001    74,998    75,094    74,866 
          Employment-population ratio..........     73.1      72.4      72.0      72.6      72.2      71.9      71.9      71.9      71.6 
      Unemployed...............................    2,972     4,110     4,171     3,252     3,628     3,877     4,038     4,234     4,452 
          Unemployment rate....................      3.8       5.2       5.2       4.1       4.6       4.9       5.1       5.3       5.6 
    Not in labor force.........................   24,930    24,738    25,137    25,197    25,376    25,380    25,334    25,163    25,295 
            Women, 16 years and over                                                                                                     
  Civilian noninstitutional population.........  119,856   120,710   120,825   119,856   120,396   120,493   120,598   120,710   120,825 
    Civilian labor force.......................   70,952    72,187    72,092    70,957    71,701    71,931    71,862    71,714    72,046 
          Participation rate...................     59.2      59.8      59.7      59.2      59.6      59.7      59.6      59.4      59.6 
      Employed.................................   67,433    67,876    67,485    67,687    68,293    68,092    68,097    67,996    67,845 
          Employment-population ratio..........     56.3      56.2      55.9      56.5      56.7      56.5      56.5      56.3      56.2 
      Unemployed...............................    3,519     4,311     4,606     3,270     3,408     3,839     3,765     3,718     4,201 
          Unemployment rate....................      5.0       6.0       6.4       4.6       4.8       5.3       5.2       5.2       5.8 
    Not in labor force.........................   48,904    48,523    48,734    48,900    48,694    48,562    48,735    48,996    48,779 
            Women, 20 years and over                                                                                                     
  Civilian noninstitutional population.........  111,479   112,290   112,401   111,479   111,990   112,083   112,183   112,290   112,401 
    Civilian labor force.......................   67,319    68,072    68,440    67,616    68,176    68,390    68,446    68,303    68,672 
          Participation rate...................     60.4      60.6      60.9      60.7      60.9      61.0      61.0      60.8      61.1 
      Employed.................................   64,311    64,526    64,462    64,826    65,260    65,138    65,238    65,167    65,047 
          Employment-population ratio..........     57.7      57.5      57.3      58.2      58.3      58.1      58.2      58.0      57.9 
      Unemployed...............................    3,008     3,546     3,979     2,790     2,916     3,252     3,208     3,135     3,625 
          Unemployment rate....................      4.5       5.2       5.8       4.1       4.3       4.8       4.7       4.6       5.3 
    Not in labor force.........................   44,160    44,218    43,961    43,863    43,814    43,693    43,737    43,988    43,729 
           Both sexes, 16 to 19 years                                                                                                    
  Civilian noninstitutional population.........   17,009    17,084    17,092    17,009    17,056    17,064    17,073    17,084    17,092 
    Civilian labor force.......................    7,382     8,476     7,471     6,744     7,005     7,266     6,907     6,973     6,863 
          Participation rate...................     43.4      49.6      43.7      39.7      41.1      42.6      40.5      40.8      40.2 
      Employed.................................    6,274     6,698     6,142     5,653     5,923     5,907     5,655     5,558     5,563 
          Employment-population ratio..........     36.9      39.2      35.9      33.2      34.7      34.6      33.1      32.5      32.6 
      Unemployed...............................    1,108     1,777     1,329     1,092     1,082     1,358     1,253     1,415     1,299 
          Unemployment rate....................     15.0      21.0      17.8      16.2      15.4      18.7      18.1      20.3      18.9 
    Not in labor force.........................    9,626     8,608     9,621    10,264    10,051     9,798    10,166    10,110    10,229 

    1 The population figures are not adjusted for seasonal variation; therefore, identical numbers appear in the unadjusted and
  seasonally adjusted columns.
    NOTE:  Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

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Last Modified Date: September 05, 2008