United States District Judge

Rodney W. Sippel


1. Local and Federal Rules.
Many answers to frequently asked questions are contained in the Local Rules of the Eastern District of Missouri, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, and the Federal Rules of Evidence. All counsel are expected to know these rules and to follow them.
2. Rule 16 Conferences in Civil Cases
After all defendants have answered a civil complaint, a Rule 16 Conference will be set. The attorney preparing and trying the case must appear for the conference unless permission is granted by this Court for another to appear. Parties shall provide chambers with a courtesy copy of the Joint Proposed Scheduling Plan. If you believe that the parties are ready for a scheduling conference and one has not been set, please notify the Judicial Assistant for an expedited conference.
3. Case Management Orders in Civil and Criminal Cases
The deadlines set forth in the Civil and Criminal Case Management Orders will be strictly enforced. Modifications will be made only upon a personal appearance at informal matters and only upon a showing of exceptional circumstances.
4. Alternative Dispute Resolution in Civil Cases
All civil cases (except Habeas Corpus) will be referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution unless either party convinces this Court that the case may only be decided by a ruling of law. Most ADR referrals are for a sixty-day period. Plaintiff's counsel will be designated as lead counsel, who shall work with opposing counsel to select a neutral and notify the court clerk of the agreed neutral no later than twenty (20) days from the start of referral.
A list approved neutrals and the court's ADR referral procedures may be obtained from the court.
If a settlement is reached, this Court shall be notified immediately and parties shall file a Stipulation for Dismissal within thirty (30) days.
5. Informal Matters
Informal matters are heard on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom 10 South.
6. Courtesy Copies of Dispositive Motions and Pretrial Compliance Materials.
Parties shall submit a paper courtesy copy to chambers of (1) any motions to dismiss, motions for judgment on the pleadings, or motions for summary judgment, together with the memorandum in support and any exhibits; (2) any opposition memorandum, including exhibits; (3) any reply memorandum in support, including exhibits; and (4) all pretrial compliance materials. Courtesy copies may be mailed or hand-delivered to chambers at 111 South Tenth Street, Suite 10-S, St. Louis, Missouri 63102.
7. Sealed Documents/Protective Orders
Proposed protective orders submitted to the court for approval which contemplate the filing of a file or documents under seal must contain a date certain on which the seal will be lifted or the documents returned to the parties. A proposed protective order lacking a date certain for lifting the seal or returning documents to the parties will be denied without prejudice. Attorneys are also referred to the provisions of E.D.Mo. Local Rule 13.05 concerning sealed documents and files.
8. Pretrial Conference in Civil and Criminal Cases
Parties are required to appear for trial 30 minutes before the scheduled jury selection for a final pretrial conference, in Courtroom 10 South, on the record. For a 9:00 a.m. jury selection, you must be in Courtroom 10 South at 8:30; for a 1:15 p.m. jury selection, you must be in the courtroom no later than 12:45. We will use this time to discuss any evidentiary problems, motions in limine, and scheduling issues.
9. Jury Instructions in Civil and Criminal Cases
The 8th Circuit Model Instructions should be used when possible. The basic introductory and boilerplate instructions must be based on the 8th Circuit model instructions. If instructions from any other source are proffered, they must be accompanied by case authority.
Parties are required to meet and confer regarding jury instrqctions and whenever possible submit one package of jury instructions to the court on behalf of all the parties.
Parties shall submit a "clean" copy and a "dirty" copy of each instruction proffered. A "clean" copy for the jury will reflect only "Instruction No. ___" at the top with no further explanatory comments.
The parties shall also submit their proffered jury instructions to the Court on computer diskette in WordPerfect format.
10. Voir Dire in Civil and Criminal Cases
I will begin voir dire by asking counsel to introduce themselves and the persons at counsel table, including defendant. I will then ask introductory questions, covering such things as the nature of the charges, burden of proof, prior jury service, length of the trial, etc. If you want me to ask any specific questions please submit them in writing.
Each party must provide me with a list of potential witnesses the morning of trial, so that I may ask if the potential jurors know any of the potential witnesses.
Counsel will be allowed twenty minutes voir dire to ask questions.
After all questioning has been completed, the venire panel will be removed from the courtroom and I will immediately ask for challenges for cause. No challenges for cause or statements that the panel is acceptable may be made in front of the jury panel. After any persons are stricken for cause, the government will make its strikes and then the defense will make its. The first twelve jurors remaining after the strikes will be seated. The number of alternates depends on the length of trial.
After the jury is selected, all copies of jury lists must be returned to the clerk.
11. Trial
12. Decorum and General Courtroom Rules:

Well tried cases or even famous trials don't just happen. A well tried case is the result of hard work, preparation and good lawyering.

Additional sources of information which may help answer your questions include:
10 South
111 South 10th Street
Suite 10.182
St. Louis, MO 63102
Judicial Assistant
Brian Crow
Law Clerks
Chris Keefe
Sarah Molina
Andrea Luisetti
Lisa Holwitt
Kelley Foresyth
Lisa Kresko
Court Reporter
Shannon McCreary