The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates a wide assortment of hydrographic survey, oceanographic research, and fisheries research vessels. These vessels are operated by NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operations. Ships located in the Pacific are managed by the Marine Operations Center, Pacific, (MOP) in Seattle, Washington. Ships located in the Atlantic are managed by the Marine Operations Center, Atlantic, (MOA) in Norfolk, Virginia. Logistic support for the vessels is provided by the appropriate marine operations center or, for vessels in Woods Hole, Charleston, Pascagoula, San Diego, and Honolulu, by Port Captains located in those ports.
The ships are run by a combination of NOAA Commissioned Officers and wage marine civilians. The wage marine personnel include licensed masters, mates and engineers, and unlicensed members of the engine, steward, and deck departments. In addition, survey and electronic technicians operate and/or maintain the ship's mission, communication and navigation equipment. The ship's officers and crew provide mission support and assistance to embarked scientists from various NOAA laboratories as well as the academic community.
Detailed information about our ships and support facilities can be found by following the links below.
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Updated: September 15, 2008