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Home > NOAA OCAO-Boulder > Engineering Services
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Boulder
Engineering Services
NOAA OCAO-Boulder staffs two engineers, a Mechanical Engineer Robert Zinter and an Electrical Engineer Shawn Sharareh.  We also have Architectural and Engineering Firms on contract to assist us in handling all of your engineering requests.

Construction Work In
Progress (CWIP)

Construction Work In Progress (CWIP) project criteria:
  • having an aggregate acquisition cost of $200,000 or more;
  • having an estimated service life of 2 years or more;
  • provides a long-term future economic benefit to the organization which maintains or obtains control; and
  • not intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations
Capital Improvements
Program (CIP)
American Samoa - OAR/CMDL Exterior Stairway & Generator Bldg:
Design of the exterior stairs is complete. The solicitation packages are out to the contractors for their bids. The POC for this project is Shawn Sharareh.
Other Construction

Norman, OK - National Radar Testbed:
The construction of the National Weather Radar Testbed Facility (NWRTF) is coming to an end, except for the installation of the fire alarm system and the 250 kW generator. The new contract is being awarded for the installation of the interior wall insulation. The POC for this project is Shawn Sharareh.

Erie, CO - BAO Tower Laboratory Rehab and Replacement Project:
OCAO-Boulder is currently in the process of negotiating a Task Order A&E Firm for the design of this project. The A&E has visited the site and is currently preparing their fee proposal to perform this design work. The POC is Robert Zinter.

Boulder, CO - OAR Table Mountain T2 Laboratory Rehab and Replacement Project:
OCAO-Boulder is currently in the process of negotiating a Task Order A&E Firm for the design of this project. The A&E has visited the site and is currently preparing their fee proposal to perform this design work. The POC is Robert Zinter.

Boulder, CO - OAR Table Mountain I-10-C Laboratory Rehab Project:
OCAO-Boulder is currently in the process of negotiating a Task Order A&E Firm for the design of this project. The A&E has visited the site and is currently preparing their fee proposal to perform this design work. The POC is Robert Zinter.

American Samoa - CMDL Laboratory Rehab Project:
OCAO-Boulder is currently in the process of negotiating a Task Order A&E Firm for the design of this project. The A&E has visited the site and is currently preparing their fee proposal to perform this design work. The POC is Robert Zinter.

Mauna Loa, HI - OAR/CMDL AMiBA site Design:
Design contract is complete. The POC for this project is Shawn Sharareh.

Mountain Region
Acquisition Division
NOAA Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Boulder Mountain
Finance Branch
Office of
Workforce Management
Resources Division

Last update: 9 March 2006