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 City Clerk's Office
 221 W. Pine Street
 Lodi, CA  95240
 (209) 333-6702
 Fax: (209) 333-6807

E-mail: Cityclerk@lodi.gov

Mailing Address
  P.O. Box 3006
  Lodi, CA  95241-1910

  Monday - Friday
  8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  Contact the City Council
     c/o City Clerk
  All correspondence to the   City Council is public record



City of Lodi Boards, Commissions, and Committees

The City of Lodi invites you to apply to serve as a volunteer on City boards, commissions, and committees.  Volunteering is an important way in which to give to your community. The role of boards, commissions, and committees is to act in an advisory capacity to the Lodi City Council.  Boards, commissions, and committees review specific matters and report to the Council with recommendations. I hope you will take part in this most rewarding experience.

Randi Johl, City Clerk
Last updated August 21, 2008

If you are interested in applying for a volunteer position, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (209) 333-6702 or cityclerk@lodi.gov to request an application, OR complete the appropriate application (click link below).
[Vacancies & Expiring Terms]

You MUST be a registered voter of San Joaquin County to apply for a City board, commission, or committee. NOTE: Site Plan and Architectural Review Committee and Planning Commission applicants must be registered voters of the City of Lodi at the time of application. Exception: Greater Lodi Area Youth Commission student applicants shall be exempt from the registered voter requirement. [view policy]

Some board, commission, and committee members (as designated in the City's Conflict of Interest Code) may be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) filing as required by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).  (To see an example of an SEI, Form 700, click on the link to FPPC above.)

Master List

Community Separator/Greenbelt Task Force - Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., or as called, Community Room at the Lodi Public Library, 19 members (unspecified term limits).

Purpose:  To create a greenbelt community separator to preserve open space and agricultural farmland between the cities of Lodi and Stockton and to explore and investigate a variety of models available as utilized in other cities to accomplish the separator and open space plan, making recommendations to the Lodi City Council.

Cliff Bradshaw
Ann Cerney
Mark Chandler
Bill Cummins
Carl Fink
Bruce Fry
Jasbir Gill
Susan Hitchcock
Patrick Johnston
Bob Lauchland
Robert Matthias
Pat Patrick
Kevin Sharrar
Randy Snider

Contact: Peter Pirnejad, Planning Manager, (209) 333-6711

Grape Bowl Ad Hoc Committee - Meetings as called; location to be determined, nine members (unspecified term limits).

Purpose:   To obtain community input and explore opportunities, constraints, and costs associated with future use and improvements of the Grape Bowl.

Don Bricker
Richard Dean
Ed DeBenedetti
Jack Fiori
Russ Munson
Terry Piazza
Kevin Suess

Contact: Jim Rodems, Community Center Director/Interim Parks and Recreation Director, (209) 333-6742

Greater Lodi Area Youth Commission - Meets 2nd Monday at 6:00 p.m., Hutchins Street Square ~ Cottage Room, two adult advisors and five adult members (three-year term) and nine student members (two-year term).  For more information on the Commission, visit: http://hutchinsstreetsquare.com/BoardsCommissions/YouthComm.htm.

Purpose:  To affect positive growth in young adults through a variety of activities that will generate interest and participation within the community. (View Bylaws)


Richard Jones, Lodi Unified School District
JoAnne Mounce, City of Lodi Council Member

Adult Members:
Imtiaz (Roger) Khan
Elizabeth Mazzeo
Isaac Morales
Jeffrey Palmquist
Summer Pennino

Student Members:
Evan Beau Benko
Shelby Gotelli
Joshua Gums
Mykenzie Mattheis
Emily McConahey
Hannah Merrill
Kasey Ota
Lisa VanderHeiden
Gordon Wong

Contact:  Brad VanderHamm, Youth Commission Coordinator,
(209) 333-6800 x2424

Library Board - Meets 2nd Monday at 5:30 p.m., Lodi Public Library ~ Community Room, five members (three-year term).

Purpose:  To manage the Lodi Public Library; set policy and budget guidelines; review and act on proposals; and advocate on behalf of the library to government officials at all levels.

Robert Emmer
Eve Melton
Suga Moriwaki
George Neely
Deane Savage

Contact: Nancy Martinez, Library Services Director,
(209) 333-5566

Lodi Animal Advisory Commission - Meets 2nd Monday at 6:00 p.m., Lodi Police Department ~ Community Room (3-year term).

Purpose:  To act in advisory capacity to City Council in all matters pertaining to animals; explore short-term and long-term needs of the Lodi Animal Shelter; make periodic inventories of animal services that exist and/or may be needed; aid in coordinating and promoting pet population control measures and explore funding opportunities for programs; and serve as an information and referral source on animals in the community.  (View Bylaws)

Linda Castelanelli
Shara Guerrette
Rose Hilliard
Phillip N. Laughlin
Gina Mendes
Christy Morgan
Julia Priest

Contact:  Jeanie Biskup, Special Services Manager,
(209) 333-6864

Lodi Arts Commission - Meets 2nd Wednesday at 12:00 noon, Hutchins Street Square ~ Thomas Theatre Gallery, 11 members (three-year term).

Purpose:  To inspire, encourage, and promote the arts in the community.  (View Powers and Duties)

Frances Benavidez
Ben Burgess
Nancy Carey
J. Mark Hamilton
Laura Heinitz
Thorstien Himle
Margie Lawson
Bonnie Mayer
Catherine Metcalf
Margaret Talbot
Jennifer Walth

Contact: Deanie Bridewell, Arts Commission Liaison,
(209) 333-5511

Lodi Budget/Finance Committee - Meets 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m., Carnegie Forum, seven members (four-year term).

Purpose:  To advise the City Manager and the City Council on financial related matters.  (View Establishing Resolution)

Kelly Brown
Marilyn Domingo
Glenda Harris-Wall
John Johnson
Bill Russell
Bob Takeuchi
Keith Vargem

Contact:  Kirk Evans, Budget Manager, (209) 333-6700

Lodi Improvement Committee - Meets 2nd Tuesday at 6:00 p.m., Carnegie Forum, nine members (three-year term).

Purpose:  Assist and advise on property maintenance, neighborhood improvement and historical preservation issues; design and implement programs to reduce blight and foster community pride; work to reduce crime, drugs, and blight in coordinating civil actions against nuisance property owners.   (View Bylaws)

Fran Forkas
Reyes Jaramillo
Stephen Jarrett
Rosie Ortiz
Virginia Snyder
Joseph Spinelli
Eileen St. Yves
Robert Takeuchi
Sunil L. Yadav

Contact: Joseph Wood, Community Improvement Manager,
(209) 333-6711

Lodi Senior Citizens Commission - Meets 3rd Thursday at 8:00 a.m., Hutchins Street Square Senior Center, seven members (four-year term).

Purpose:  To identify the needs and issues specifically affecting the senior citizens of the community and initiate action to assure they are addressed. (View Duties and Functions)

Judy Bader
Winona Ellwein
Phyllis Rabusin
Suzanne Schultz
Kathryn Siddle
Terri Whitmire
Tracy Williams

Contact: Ann Areida-Hintz, Senior Services Coordinator,
(209) 333-6782

Lodi Sister City Committee - Meets 4th Tuesday at 5:45 p.m., Carnegie Forum as called.  Alternate meeting times/locations will be posted as public information.  Meeting Schedule: January (officer election), February (installation dinner), and bi-monthly thereafter in April, June, August, October, and December. 

Purpose:  To promote exciting opportunities for involvement in international relations through exchanges of persons, products, and ideals through cultural, educational, technical, professional, municipal, youth, and sports activities. Lodi's Sister Cities are Kofu, Japan and Lodi, Italy. (View Sister City brochure)

Officers and Board Member(s)
Bill Hinkle, President
Angie Ferrero, Vice President
Judy Hinkle, Recording Secretary
Merry Sasaki, Treasurer
Susanne Benbrook, Board of Directors
Susan Ferrero, Board of Directors
Velma Ferrero, Board of Directors
Hugh Metcalf, Board of Directors
Julie Whiting, Board of Directors

Contact:  Jennifer M. Perrin, Deputy City Clerk, (209) 333-6702

Planning Commission - Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., Carnegie Forum, seven members (four-year term).

Purpose:  Established by state law and appointed by the City Council, the Planning Commission’s primary function is to study proposed developments that may have an impact on the community’s growth and environment. The commission ensures that proposed developments meet the City of Lodi’s technical and environmental standards. The commission holds public hearings to elicit comment on development plans and review their compliance with the City’s zoning regulations and General Plan.

Bill Cummins
Randall Heinitz
Steven Hennecke
Dave Kirsten
Wendel Kiser
Tim Mattheis
Debbie Olson

Contact: Peter Pirnejad, Planning Manager, (209) 333-6711

Recreation Commission - Meets 1st Tuesday at 7:00 p.m., Carnegie Forum, five members (four-year term).

Purpose:  To advise City Council regarding parks, recreation, and leisure activities, which would interest or impact the community. (View Bylaws)

David Akin
Barbara Fox
Larry Long
Ken Sasaki
Ed Wall, Jr.

Contact: Jim Rodems, Community Center Director/Interim Parks and Recreation Director, (209) 333-6742

San Joaquin County Council of Governments (COG) Citizens Advisory Committee - Meets 3rd Wednesday, COG Conference Room, 6 S. El Dorado, Suite 400, Stockton, one Lodi representative (unspecified term).

Richard Blackston

Contact: Randi Johl, City Clerk, (209) 333-6702

San Joaquin County Commission on Aging - Meets 1st Monday at 2:00 p.m., Canlis Administration Building, Stockton, one Lodi representative (three-year term).

Terri Whitmire

Contact: Randi Johl, City Clerk, (209) 333-6702

San Joaquin County Emergency Food and Shelter Program - Meetings as called, one Lodi representative.

Community Improvement Manager (Joseph Wood)

Contact: Randi Johl, City Clerk, (209) 333-6702

San Joaquin County Mosquito & Vector Control District - Meets 3rd Tuesday at 1:00 p.m., District Office, 7759 S. Airport Way, Stockton, one Lodi representative (two-year term).

Jack Fiori

Contact: Randi Johl, City Clerk, (209) 333-6702

San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Citizens Advisory Committee - Meets 1st Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Central Regional Office, Governing Board Room, 1990 E. Gettysburg Avenue, Fresno, with Modesto Regional Office and Bakersfield Regional Office included via video teleconferencing system; one Lodi Primary member and one Lodi Alternate member (three-year terms).

Wade Broughton, Primary Member
Randall S. Blank, Alternate Member

Contact: Randi Johl, City Clerk, (209) 333-6702   
Sissy Smith, Clerk of the Boards, (559) 230-6000

Site Plan and Architectural Review Committee (SPARC) - Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 5:15 p.m., Carnegie Forum, five members (four-year terms).

Purpose: Assists the Planning Commission in reviewing site plans and architectural drawings in order to determine compliance with zoning ordinances and to promote the orderly development of the City.

Reyes Jaramillo
Keith Selleseth
Roger Stafford
Mitchell Slater
Wendel Kiser    - Vice Chairperson from Planning
                           Commission (rotates each year)

Contact: Peter Pirnejad, Planning Manager, (209) 333-6711

Miscellaneous Boards and Commissions

Art Advisory Board - Meets the last Wednesday at 12:00 noon, Hutchins Street Square.

Laura Heinitz (Arts Commission), Chair
Dave Kirsten (Planning Commission)
Ben Burgess (Arts Commission)
Roger Stafford (SPARC)
Baubie Fox (Recreation Commission)

Contact:  Jim Rodems, Community Center Director/Interim Parks and Recreation Director, (209) 333-6782


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