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ERS Conference Center

Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Understanding Food Deserts Workshop

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Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Understanding Food Deserts Workshop
Image of fruits being sold at a farmer's market

October 9, 2008

Waugh Auditorium
Economic Research Service, USDA
1800 M Street NW
(near Dupont Circle)
Washington, DC (Directions)

Increases in obesity and chronic diseases associated with poor diets have led to concern that some low-income and rural communities lack access to affordable and nutritious foods. This concern—that some areas have become food deserts—led Congress, in the 2008 Farm Bill, to request that the Department of Agriculture conduct a study of these areas. ERS will kick off this study by hosting a workshop on October 9, 2008 in Washington, DC—Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Understanding Food Deserts. The workshop will bring together key stakeholders from program, policy, research, and advocacy communities to discuss how to conceptualize and measure food deserts, implications of food deserts for public health and food assistance programs, and programs and policies to help mitigate the impact of food deserts. A preliminary agenda is available. Attendance is free but registration is required due to limited space, so please register early.


Conference co-sponsor
Farm Foundation logo


For more information, contact: Shelly Ver Ploeg

Web administration:

Updated date: September 12, 2008