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Henry C. Taylor Lecture

Picture of Henry C. Taylor

3rd Annual Henry C. Taylor Lecture
"Pricing the Priceless"
Presented by Dr. W. Kip Viscusi
Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 2:00 p.m.
ERS' Waugh Auditorium

Reception to follow

On Wednesday, September 20, 2006, USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) will present its 3rd annual Henry C. Taylor Lecture—featuring Dr. W. Kip Viscusi of Vanderbilt University, an award-winning author and one of the world's leading authorities on cost-benefit analysis. This lecture is free and registration is not required.

Viscusi's lecture, Pricing the Priceless, is based on his working paper, Monetizing the Benefits of Risk and Environmental Regulation, where he responds to those opposing attempts to monetize the value of environmental amenities and the value of risks to life and health. (This paper is available at the AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies web site.) In this article he explores the history of how monetization of benefits came to be the norm for government policy and he discusses some of the key economic debates on this issue. He asserts that putting benefit values in dollar terms ensures that there will be full recognition of these benefits in the policy evaluation process, and also places them on terms comparable to program costs. He explores sensitive issues such as the heterogeneity of the value of statistical life with respect to income and age. While the use of a “senior discount” was controversial and involved too great of a discount, there is substantial evidence that there are age variations in the value of statistical life. He advocates the continued use of stated preference approaches to valuing environmental benefits, which is in contrast to the critiques of stated preference analyses by those who consider environmental resources to be priceless and by those who believe that all non-use values of environmental benefits are zero.

This lecture was named for Henry C. Taylor, who early in the last century, pioneered the use of economic analysis and research in USDA to improve U.S. agriculture. ERS continues expanding that mission in today’s fast-changing environment for food, agriculture and trade. The annual lecture was established to pay tribute to the critical public decision-making role played by economists for nearly a hundred years.

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See information on our past speakers: Jagdish Bhagwati and Dr. Vernon L. Smith.



For more information, contact: Nancy McNiff

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Updated date: August 4, 2006