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Veterinary Accreditation


Requirements to Apply for Veterinary Accreditation

A candidate for veterinary accreditation must fulfill the following requirements:
1. Graduate from a school of veterinary medicine
2. Submit an application (the application includes your certification of the 16 performance tasks) to the Area Office
3. Complete a core orientation session
4. Complete a supplemental orientation if required by the Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC) in cooperation with the State Animal Health Official (SAHO)
5. Be licensed or legally able to practice without supervision in the State in which the candidate applies
6. Obtain application approval

Initial Accreditation Procedures

The first time a candidate applies for national veterinary accreditation, the following procedures must be followed:
1. Contact the Area Office of the State in which the candidate wants to become nationally accredited. The Area Office will send the candidate the application, Form 1-36A, "Application for Veterinary Accreditation."
2. Complete the application and return it to the Area Office. By completing this application the candidate is certifying that they are able to perform the 16 performance tasks detailed on the application and in the 9 CFR 161.2.
3. The AVIC and State Animal Health Official review and evaluate the application. If the application is approved, an approval letter will be received authorizing the veterinarian to perform accreditation work in that State.
(NOTE: The candidate may not perform any accreditation duties until written approval by the AVIC is received.) An official certificate of veterinary accreditation will be sent under separate cover.


Last Modified: February 23, 2007