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This page last updated:
November 19, 2007

Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas
Lease Sales 189 and 197
Eastern Planning Area
Environmental Impact Statement

In the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program:  2002-2007 (the 5-Year Program), two oil and gas lease sales are scheduled for the Eastern Planning Area of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf.  This environmental impact statement has been prepared in support of those two proposed lease sales, Lease Sales 189 and 197.  Under the 5-Year Program, proposed Lease Sale 189 is scheduled for 2003, while proposed Lease Sale 197 is scheduled for 2005. 

Federal regulations allow for several related or similar proposals to be analyzed in one environmental impact statement (40 Code of Federal Regulations 1502.4).  Given the similar nature of each proposed lease sale and their projected activities, a multisale environmental impact statement is appropriate.  This multisale environmental impact statement will lessen duplication and save resources.  At the completion of this environmental impact statement process, a decision will be made only for proposed Lease Sale 189.  An additional National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted in the year prior to proposed Lease Sale 197 to address any new information relevant to that proposed action.


Final Environmental Impact Statement (MMS 2003-020)

Volume I (Chapters 1-8 and Appendices)

Front Matter (Part 1) (Cover; Title Page; Regional Director's Note; Cover Sheet;
                                    and Executive Summary)

Front Matter (Part 2) (Table of Contents; Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols;

                                    Conversion Chart; List of Figures; and List of Tables)

Chapter 1.  The Proposed Actions

Chapter 2.  Alternatives Including a Proposed Action

Chapter 3.  Description of the Affected Environment

Chapter 4.  Environmental and Socioeconomic Consequences

      Chapter 4.1.  Impact-Producing Factors and Scenario – Routine Operations

      Chapter 4.2.  Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts - Routine Operations

      Chapter 4.3.  Impact-Producing Factors and Scenario – Accidental Events

      Chapter 4.4.  Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts – Accidental Events

      Chapter 4.5.  Cumulative Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts

      Chapter 4.6.  Unavoidable Adverse Impacts of the Proposed Actions

      Chapter 4.7.  Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources

      Chapter 4.8.  Relationship Between the Short-term Use of Man’s Environment
                          and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-term

Chapter 5.  Consultation and Coordination

Chapter 6.  References

Chapter 7.  Preparers

Chapter 8.  Glossary


Keyword Index 

Back Cover

Volume II (Figures and Tables)

Front Matter (Cover; Title Page; Table of Contents; List of Figures; and
                      List of Tables)

Figures (Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; and Appendix A)

Tables (Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; and Appendix A)


Back Cover



Draft Environmental Impact Statement (MMS 2002-056)

Volume I


Front Matter (cover, TOC, summary, etc.)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1.   The Proposed Actions

Chapter 2.   Alternatives Including a Proposed Action

Chapter 3.   Description of the Affected Environment

Chapter 4.   Environmental and Socioeconomic Consequences

Chapter 5.   Consultation and Coordination

Chapter 6.   References

Chapter 7.   Preparers

Chapter 8.   Glossary



Back Cover

Volume II

Front Matter (cover, TOC, etc.)


          Chapter 1

          Chapter 2

          Chapter 3

          Chapter 4

          Appendix A



Back Cover




Draft EIS

November 22, 2002

Public Hearings

January 8 and 9, 2003

Final EIS

May 2003

Lease Sale 189

December 2003

News Releases

Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Locations and Dates of Public Hearings on Proposed Eastern Planning Area Lease Sales 189 and 197  (November 22, 2002)

MMS Identifies Areas for Proposed 2003 and 2005 Lease Sales in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico  (July 30, 2002)

Minerals Management Service Notice of Dates and Locations of Scoping Meetings on the Eastern Gulf Lease Sales Environmental Impact Statement  (February 25, 2002)

MMS Issues Call for Interest and Information and Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Two Proposed Federal Oil and Gas Lease Sales in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Announces Scoping Meetings  (February 8, 2002)

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