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Andrew Braid, hydrographic and geodetic engineer, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, died at his home, 1009 Webster Street NW., at 5 o'clock on the evening of January 3, 1919, after a lingering illness of several weeks. Mr. Braid was born in Kirkealdy, Scotland, December 20, 1846, was brought to this country by his parents in the following year. He grew up in Philadelphia, was educated at the celebrated Central High School of that city, from which he graduated in 1864, receiving the degrees of A. B. and A. M. He devoted himself chiefly to the study of physics and chemistry. In 1869 Mr. Braid entered the service of the Coast Survey and remained devoted to that duty until his death, at which time he was next to the senior officer of the Survey in point of continuous service.

He was appointed an aid December 13, 1869; he was promoted to the grade of subassistant January 1, 1874, and to assistant November 1, 1880. This designation was changed to hydrographic and geodetic engineer July 1, 1917.

In addition to many years of field duty in various parts of the country, he was for 4 years chief of the instrument division of the Survey; for several years was in charge of the office of standard weights and measures; was editor of publications of the Survey for some years; for a number of years executive officer to the Superintendent; for 16 years was assistant in charge of the Washington office; and for a short time was inspector of magnetic work. Since 1906 Mr. Braid was a member of the United States Geographic Board, and its chairman for the last 4 years. Mr. Braid had many sterling qualities, of the Americanized Scotch type, and had many -- in this city and elsewhere, who regret his loss. His immediate family surviving him, included his widow, one daughter, Mrs. R. S. Larman, and one grandson. His other relatives are residents of Philadelphia, where his remains were interred.

C&GS Bulletin, 12/1918


Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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