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Edwin J. Brown, died on June 17, 1935, as a result of an automobile accident near Norfolk, Virginia.edwin brown

Born at Peru, Indiana, May 11, 1899, he graduated from Michigan State College with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1923, and entered the Survey's service July 2 of the same year. He married Elsie E. Stitt on January 28, 1925. He was a member of the Philosophical Society of Washington; Tau Beta Pi; and the Masonic fraternity.

He possessed unusual ability as a radio engineer and was responsible for notable improvements in methods and instruments increasing the speed and accuracy of astronomical and gravity observations. These include a radio amplifier for eliminating the effect of the lag from longitude determinations, and the improved portable gravity apparatus which bears his name. The latter instrument has increased the speed of gravity determinations over 300 percent without any loss of accuracy.

In 1926 he took part in the measurement of the first international radio longitude net, making the observations at Niu, near Honolulu. Several years later he made gravity observations under most difficult conditions on the outlying rocky islands northwest of the main islands of the Hawaiian group. During 1932 - 33, he made a new gravity connection between the new Commerce Building base station and the world base station at Potsdam, Germany--the first direct connection between this country and Potsdam since 1900. At the same time he connected the absolute gravity station at the National Bureau of Standards with Potsdam.

At the time of his death he was in charge of the radio-acoustic range-finding apparatus, the gyro compass, and fathometer aboard the survey ship OCEANOGRAPHER, and had practically completed the preparation of publications descriptive of the Brown gravity apparatus and his gravity connection with Potsdam.

It was as natural for Lieutenant Brown to keep friends as it was for him to make them, for he was sincere in his esteem and his enjoyment of the pleasures of all with whom he worked.

C&GS Bulletin, 6/30/1935


Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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