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The Buzzard has chosen as the Man-of-the-Month for July the Chief of the Division of Charts, frank spauldiing bordenCommander Frank Spaulding Borden.

Commander Borden was born in Mehoopany, Pennsylvania, and received his early education at the Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania High School and Wyoming Seminary in Kingston, Pennsylvania. In 1911 he graduated from Lehigh University with a degree in Civil Engineering.

Entering the service of the Coast and Geodetic Survey immediately after graduation, Commander Borden received his first assignment as Junior Officer on the Schooner MATCHLESS then engaged in surveying in the York River.

From October 1913 to June 1916, he served on the ROMBLON and FATHOMER on the north coast of Palawan Island in the Philippines, and as chief of a triangulation party on Luzon Island.

Returning to the States he served as chief of a current and tidal survey in Long Island Sound and first-order triangulation in Alaska. During World War I, Commander Borden was commissioned as First Lieutenant in the Coast Artillery and served in France with Battery B, 48th Artillery.

On returning to the Survey after the war, he served on the RANGER and was Executive Officer on the ISIS when she was wrecked and lost off the Florida coast. Commander Borden has held assignments on many of the Survey's ships and from February 1920 to March 1928, he commanded in turn the ELSIE, HYDROGRAPHER, BACHE, FATHOMER and PATHFINDER, while engaging in various phases of the Bureau's work.

Receiving his first office assignment in October 1928, he assumed the duties of Chief of the Section of Field Work which he held until March 1936.

Again returning to field work as commanding officer of the HYDROGRAPHER and later on the OCEANOGRAPHER, Commander Borden, in his off-shore work off Long Island, executed some of the first hydrographic surveys of the Bureau. It was through his efforts that the off-shore method of buoy control by taut-wire sun- azimuth reached its present state of perfection. Prior to the development of the taut-wire sun-azimuth method, Commander Borden developed a method of control by floating signals which were located by double log runs and bearings on the buoys. This was a distinct improvement over former methods and advanced considerably the accuracy of off-shore surveys.

After his assignment on the OCEANOGRAPHER, Commander Borden again came to the Washington Office, this time as Chief of the Division of Charts, the position he now holds.

Commander Borden is responsible for the Field Engineers Bulletin and it was due to his untiring efforts that the Bulletin acquired its high status as a technical publication. Much of the work on the first Bulletin he did at night after a full day at the office.

The Commander is an exceptional athlete and is better than average in most all forms of sport.

A very good golfer, he won the Coast Survey gold cup in 1932 against such opposition as Kines, etc. One of his peculiar antics on the golf course is his habit of trailing his putt like a hound on a trail.

He has long been an enthusiastic bowler and carries an average of around 108, never missing a league game. As President of the Welfare and Recreational Association, he keeps a guiding hand on the employee problems of the Bureau and is always open to suggestions for better relationship and recreation facilities for the personnel.

Among his affiliations are the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Photogrammetry, Society of American Military Engineers, U.S. Naval Institute, Washington Society of Engineers, Phi Delta Theta, Masons, Sojourners and Heroes of 1976.

The Buzzard Vol. X, No. 30, 7/30/1943

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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