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GIS Software:

The following links take you to sources for no-cost geographic information and data viewers:
  • ArcExplorer - A Windows 95-based data viewer that supports Shapefile vector and a variety of raster data (image) formats.
  • BASIN 4.0 - Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources - BASINS is a multi-purpose environmental analysis system that integrates GIS, national watershed data, and environmental assessment and modeling tools into one package.
  • DEM Viewer, DLG Viewer and DEM3D Viewer - Enhanced Windows 95, NT, and 2000-based viewer for USGS digital elevation model (DEM) data, Digital Line Graph data (DLG) and Digital Elevation Model 3 Dimensional data (DEM3D)
  • DLGV32 - Enhanced Windows -based viewer for USGS digital line graph (DLG) and digital raster graphic (DRG) data.
  • New England SPARROW Data Viewer- New England SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions on Watershed Attributes) are statistical models that provide a regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data for streams.
  • PCI Geomatics - FreeView, SPANS Observer, Demoware
  • LandView III - A Windows-based viewer for selected Census, EPA, USGS, and NOAA data bases.
  • LandView III product options.
The following links take you to manufacturers of desktop mapping, image processing, and geographic information systems software: The following are on-line services that provide maps and information:

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 28-Nov-2007 09:23:48 EST