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General Guidelines and Supporting Documents Establishing the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program (General Guidelines)

For more information on the establishment and background of the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases program, you may want to view the program's General Guidelines. In addition to the General Guidelines, specific guidance is included in Sector-Specific Issues and Reporting Methodologies Supporting the General Guidelines for the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases under Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. This document includes two volumes:

Volume I (*
- 1 MB) addresses greenhouse gas emission in three sectors:

Volume II ( - 828 KB) deals with the following sectors:

Also available are the appendix tables that provide emissions and conversion factors.

* Note: To view or print a document created in PDF (Portable Document Format), you must use the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download directly from Adobe's website.
If you wish to purchase the Guidelines in paper format, you may contact the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at 800-553-6847 or www.fedworld.gov. The most recent information available to EIA is that NTIS offers
  • General Guidelines for $28.50 -- ordering # DE95003295
  • Volume I for $58.50 -- ordering # DE95003296
  • Volume II for $51.00 -- ordering # DE95003297

Postage and handling for one or all of the above is $5.00