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Animal Health

APHIS works in a variety of ways to protect and improve the health, quality, and marketability of our nation's animals, animal products, and veterinary biologics. This subject area describes many of the diseases facing animals today, as well the steps APHIS is taking to prevent, control, and eliminate those conditions.

Animal Health Report
An overview of domestic animal health in the United States. It contains information on the state of U.S. livestock, poultry, and aquaculture commodities, as well as the programs and strategies used to ensure their continued health.

Animal Diseases and Animal Diseases by Species
Veterinary Services protects and improves the health, quality, and marketability of our nation's animals, animal products and veterinary biologics by preventing, controlling and/or eliminating animal diseases, and monitoring and promoting animal health and productivity.

Laboratory Information and Services
APHIS provides a variety of laboratory services which are centered around providing or facilitating animal disease testing services.

Veterinary Biologics
Veterinary biologics include vaccines, antibodies, diagnostic kits, and certain immunomodulators. Learn how to license/import a biologic, report adverse events occurring from biologic use, or find lists of licensed products.

While Animal Health deals with animal disease control activities, it does not cover activities related to enforcing the Animal Welfare Act. For more information on that topic, go to the Animal Welfare section of the APHIS site.

Veterinary Services Process Streamlining (VSPS)
Part of a developing initiative of USDA-APHIS-Veterinary Services. This system provides a single point of access to electronic forms, applications, and certification processes required for interstate and international movement of animals and animal products. This system is designed for Accredited Veterinarians and State and Federal animal health officials.

Veterinarian Accreditation
Veterinarians can go here to learn how to apply for accreditation as well as search for a variety of training materials.

Monitoring and Surveillance
This section describes the National Animal Health Surveillance System and provides links to key animal health monitoring and surveillance issues, programs, and information sources.

Professional Development Training
The Professional Development Staff (PDS) is a small group of training specialists dedicated to meeting the current and future scientific and technical education and training needs of VS personnel. In addition to staff members housed at APHIS Headquarters in Riverdale, Maryland, PDS has Staff Veterinarians and Education Technology Specialists in both the Western Region and Eastern Region to ensure local, as well as national, needs are addressed.



Last Modified: June 6, 2008