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Broadcast Continuing Education: General Session Objectives

Tuesday, January 25, 2000

Opening Session: Launching Healthy People 2010

  • Discuss the past, present, and future of Healthy People.

Congressional Initiatives to Improve Health

  • Recognize the role of Congress in developing health initiatives and funding government health programs.
  • Identify major health initiatives that Congress is and will be debating in the near future.
  • Identify the key Congressional offices and committees that are responsible for proposing health initiatives.
Wednesday, January  26, 2000

Luncheon Keynote: Enhancing Access: Health, Technology, and the Digital Divide

  • Describe the potential relationship between health disparities and access to emerging technologies.
  • Recognize how access to technology impacts on individual and societal health and economic well-being.
  • Identify initiatives and programs that can help enhance universal access to technology to improve health care, public health, and economic well-being.

Translating Healthy People to State and Community Action

  • Summarize the major considerations from the Federal and state perspective, in translating federal initiatives to the state and community levels.
  • Describe "best practices" for successful implementation of federal initiatives at the state and community levels.
Thursday, January 27, 2000

Eliminating Health Disparities

  • Identify health conditions that disproportionately impact on racial/ethnic communities.
  • Describe strategies to better identify and address the underlying causes of higher levels of disease and disability in racial and ethnic minority communities.

Using Health Communities to Mobilize Action

  • Describe current "best practices" used for mobilizing community resources for health.
  • Describe future challenges in mobilizing community resources for health.
Friday, January 28, 2000

Health and Information Technology: The Road Ahead

  • Describe current and future applications of information and communication technology for improving health and health care management.

Luncheon Keynote: A Tale of Two Revolutions: Information Technology and Genetics

  • Describe how advances in information technology and genetics can be applied to improve public health.
  • Describe the ethical, legal, and social considerations that accompany information technology and genetics research for individuals and society.

Healthy People in a Healthy World

  • Discuss the direct relationship between global health and the health of Americans.
  • Discuss the importance of establishing transnational partnerships to advance health of populations worldwide.

Healthy Charge to the Nation

  • Explain how stakeholders can utilize the Healthy People 2010 objectives to improve the health of the nation.

Wrap-Up and Closing Comments

  • Discuss the salient points of the conference and discuss subsequent events related to Healthy People.

[ Broadcast Continuing Education ]

Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium          January 24-28, 2000         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Updated: 05/01/08