Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Cutterman's Dining Facility

Comptroller, ISC Seattle

The ISC Coast Guard Dining Facility (CGDF) is available to all uniformed service members, drilling reservists, Coast Guard civilian employees (including NAFA and Auxiliarists in training or supporting CG units), contractor employees working under a contract with the Coat Guard, official visitors, and sponsored guests.

We encourage comments and evaluations of our performance.  Expressing your concerns helps us to improve our service to our customers, and your satisfaction improves our morale.  Please fill out a satisfaction survey, available on the galley's mess deck to share your thoughts with us.

FSCS Gordy
Food Service Officer
(206) 217-6416

 Pricing & Hours of Operation





Weekend &



0630 - 0730

0730 - 0830



1100 - 1230




Let us help plan your next event!

From planning and preparing large scale functions like Changes of Command and Retirement Ceremonies to providing coffee & pastries for formal seminars, The Cutterman's Dining Facility staff stands proud to help plan and prepare for the many official events held throughout the Pier 36 Coast Guard Community. 

FS1 Doug van Kampen
Event Coordinator
(206) 217-6415

Coho Room Reservations
If you are interested in reserving the Coho Room for your next function please submit a request via e-mail by clicking here.

Please enjoy the photo samples provided below of various Special Events.

The Coho Room can be used for various functions.   Nice spread of food prepared by the Galley staff.   Cake prepared by the Galley staff.  PNOA function catered by the Galley staff

Last Modified 8/28/2008