Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Health and Safety Division

Medical, ISC Seattle, WA

Welcome to your  Health & Safety Division! It is our pleasure to serve you.  We will do everything we can to make your experience with us as easy and pleasant as possible.   This web page will help you use our services.  If you have questions about this information, please ask one of our staff.  If you have any problems or concerns about the service you receive, we will help you.  Please let CWO Chew ((206) 217-6441) or HSC McGhee ((206) 217-6442) know as soon as possible.

We encourage comments and evaluations of our performance.  Expressing your concerns helps us to improve our performance. Expressing your satisfaction improves our morale.  Please email us your feedback or fill out a satisfaction survey which is available in the reception area.  Please share your thoughts with us.

To schedule a Medical or Dental appointment call 206-217-6432 and you can cancel an appointment by sending an email to the Front Desk Staff.  Click here for hours of operation.

Chief, Health & Safety Division

Services Offered:

Commanding Officer
USCG Integrated Support Command
1519 Alaskan Way South
Seattle, WA 98134
(206) 217-6400
Last Modified 8/28/2008