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Relate for Teens

Relate for Teens is an award-winning, comprehensive multimedia prevention program (CD and Web), covering health, safety and discipline issues, including violence, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancy, abusive relationships, and more. Relate integrates research from health, prevention, and learning theory, with advances in technology, to make best practices in social learning available to adolescents and those who work with them. Early evaluation shows Relate works. Relate targets a broad range of adolescents, both individuals and groups, in a variety of school and community-based settings. It can be used systematically to build seven key social/emotional skills, or as a "quick fix" intervention for 650+ specific problems. The program is built around Ripple Effects' proprietary "whole spectrum" learning system. It offers experiential, cognitive, behavioral and effective learning strategies, as well as transfer assessment through engaging interactive exercises, and a management system for tracking student skill mastery while protecting student privacy. Ripple Effects, Inc. develops media-rich, electronic social learning products.


Contact Information

Ripple Effects, Inc.
333 Bryant Street, Suite 110
San Francisco, CA 94107
Contact: Alice Ray, CEO
Phone: (415) 227-1669
Fax: (415) 227-4998
E-mail: aray@rippleeffects.com
Web site: http://ww.rippleeffects.com


[ Technology Games Participants ]

Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium          January 24-28, 2000         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Updated: 05/01/08