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- June 09, 2008

Sick bellies

From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I’m Tishia Humes with HHS HealthBeat.

Just about every child under age 5 has caught the stomach virus known as rotavirus at some point. The virus causes diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. And if it’s severe enough, children have to go to the hospital.

Do you know how easy it is for our little ones to catch a stomach virus?

Researcher Haley Clayton of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says young children can catch it because it doesn’t take much of the virus to cause an infection.

Clayton also tells us how to prevent the stomach virus:

“Previously, it was very difficult for parents to prevent their children from getting the virus. However, we now have a vaccine that is available that prevents the virus. It was licensed and recommended in February of 2006, so it’s still a relatively new vaccine.’’ (12 seconds)

The vaccine, RotaTeq, is given by mouth and is generally well tolerated.

Learn more at

HHS HealthBeat is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I’m Tishia Humes.

Last revised: June, 06 2008