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Matthew E. Crow
Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs and Communications

Matthew E. Crow

Matthew E. Crow is the Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs and Communications.

At EDA, Crow oversees public affairs and congressional relations and is a senior advisor to Assistant Secretary Sandy K. Baruah. Crow also hosts EDA’s nationally televised program “Economic Development Today”. He serves as a member of the Secretary of Labor’s Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship that advises Secretary Chao on issues related to the National Apprenticeship Act.

Crow has worked in two previous Presidential administrations in public affairs and congressional relations capacities. In the Reagan White House, Crow served as a Lead Advanceman in the Office of Presidential Advance. In the George H. W. Bush Administration, Crow led the Health Care Financing Administration’s Office of Public Liaison. Additionally, he served Secretary Louis Sullivan as a legislative staff assistant in the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Legislative Affairs.

His private sector experience includes leading the government relations office for the world famous health care philanthropy Project HOPE and as a Senior Account Manager with the national public relations and promotional marketing firm of Quinn, Brein, Inc. Crow’s clients included Ryder Truck, The Disney Channel, Hasbro Toys and the Emilia Romagna Region of Italy.

Crow attended the University of Nevada and studied print journalism. He edited the independent newspaper, The Nevada Review, and was a staff reporter for the University of Nevada’s newspaper, Sagebrush.

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