CMSAAC Mission Statement

Section 603(c) of the WARN Act

  1. For protocols, technical capabilities, and technical procedures through which electing commercial mobile service providers receive, verify, and transmit alerts to subscribers;
  2. For the establishment of technical standards for priority transmission of alerts by electing commercial mobile service providers to subscribers;
  3. For relevant technical standards for devices and equipment and technologies used by electing commercial mobile service providers to transmit emergency alerts to subscribers;
  4. For the technical capability to transmit emergency alerts by electing commercial mobile service providers to subscribers in languages in addition to English, to the extent practicable and feasible;
  5. Under which electing commercial mobile service providers may offer subscribers the capability of preventing the subscriber's device from receiving emergency alerts, or classes of such alerts, (other than an alert issued by the President), consistent with Section 602(b)(2)(E) of the WARN Act;
  6. For a process under which commercial mobile service providers can elect to transmit emergency alerts if -
    1. Not all of the devices or equipment used by such provider are capable of receiving such alerts; or
    2. The provider cannot offer such alerts throughout the entirety of its service area; and
  7. As otherwise necessary to enable electing commercial mobile service providers to transmit emergency alerts to subscribers.

The Committee must develop and submit its recommendations to the Commission within one year of the enactment of the WARN Act.