Fluor Hanford Contracts Logo

Who Are We
Fluor Hanford, Inc (FH) is a Prime Contractor for the Department of Energy at the Hanford Site with responsibility for waste management, nuclear chemical processing, and Site support services.


Intergrated Contractor
Purchasing Team

Doing Business with
Fluor Hanford

  • Solicitations
        - Requests for Proposals
  • Supplier Advocate
  • P-Card
  • Evaluated Suppliers List
  • Vendor Registration

  • Vendor Registration Form
  • Registration Information
  • Forms
        -Representations and Certifications
        -Electronic Funds Transfer
        -Change of Name
        -Contract Novation
  • Working On Site –
    Need To Know

  • Safety & Security
        -On-Site Deliveries
  • Hanford Site Stabilization Agreement
  • Travel Information
  • Useful Links

  • Contacts
        -Small Business
  • Other Web Sites
  • Labor Hour Submittal Form
  • Provisions, Documents & Forms
  • Fluor Hanford Web Site