2007 OSEP National Early Childhood Conference

Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel

Arlington, Virginia

December 1 - 5, 2007

Pre-Conference Workshops & Meetings: December 1 & 2, 2007

Conference: December 3 - 5, 2007

Post-Conference Workshops and optional meetings: December 5, 2007

Conference Dates and Times

The 2007 OSEP National Conference was held on Monday, December 3 through Wednesday, December 5. A pre-conference workshop on early childhood outcomes was held Saturday, December 1. Additionally, pre-conference meetings occurred on Sunday, December 2nd for: State ICC Chairs, Members and Staff; Part C Coordinators; Section 619 Coordinators; and an orientation for first-time conference attendees.

Post-conference workshops and a meeting for Pacific Basin Early Childhood Representatives was held on Wednesday afternoon, December 5.

Conference Goals

Who Attended?

The 2007 Conference was intended for a variety of audiences involved in planning and delivering services to young children with special needs (birth through age 8) and their families. Participants included:


This conference was sponsored by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Programs (OSEP). It was planned collaboratively with a Conference Planning Committee representing diverse interests and perspectives and the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC).