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HHS Office of Inspector General

Fraud Prevention & Detection / Exclusion Program

List of Excluded Individuals/Entities


An OIG exclusion has national scope and is important to many institutional health care providers because the Congress of the United States established a Civil Monetary Penalty for institutions that knowingly hire excluded parties. Accordingly, the OIG maintains the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE), a database which provides information to the public, health care providers, patients and others relating to parties excluded from participation in the Medicare, Medicaid and all Federal health care programs.

The LEIE is available in two formats:


Online Searchable Database

The Online Searchable Database enables users to enter the name of an individual or business and determine whether an exclusion is currently in effect. If a match is made on an individual, the database can verify with an individuals Social Security Number (SSN) that the match is unique. Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) (also known as Tax Identification Numbers (TIN)) are being included for recently excluded entities.


Downloadable Database

The Downloadable Database File enables users to download the LEIE file to a personal computer and establish an independent database or combine the file with existing data. Monthly exclusion data files are posted on the web site on a monthly basis, as are reinstatement data files for users who wish to supplement their database. A continuously updated file is available for those who do not wish to rely on the supplements.

Note: the Downloadable Database File does not contain SSNs or EINs. Therefore, verification of specific individuals or businesses through the use of the SSN or EIN must be done with the Online Searchable Database.

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