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Potatoes are the leading vegetable crop in the United States (not including sweet potatoes), contributing about 15 percent of farm sales receipts for vegetables. Among major produce crops, potatoes are second only to grapes in farm cash receipts. Americans consume about 130 pounds of fresh and processed potatoes annually, 40 pounds more than tomatoes, the next most commonly eaten vegetable. Over 50 percent of potato sales are to processors for french fries, chips, dehydrated potatoes, and other potato products, while the remainder goes to the fresh market.


Vegetables and Melons Outlook is an all-electronic, every-other-month, newsletter providing current intelligence and forecasts of changing conditions in the U.S. vegetable and melon sector. The newsletter contains a section on potatoes, as well as appendix tables with current potato data.

Recommended Readings

2008 Farm Bill Side-By-Side (August 2008) presents a title-by-title summary of key provisions of the 2008 Act in a side-by-side comparison with previous legislation. The side-by-side includes links to related ERS publications and to analyses of previous farm acts. New features include a user's guide, an A-Z list of major provisions, and a search function.

Commodity Highlight: Potato ChipsPDF file (April 2008) explains how potatoes consumed as potato chips have risen from 11.4 pounds per person in 1960 to 19.3 pounds in 2007. About 38 percent of all households consuming potato chips are located in the southern United States. Potatoes used for chipping are largely produced and consumed domestically, with relatively small volumes traded internationally.

Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions (February 2007) finds that market effects would likely be limited and confined to specific regions and commodities. Eliminating these planting restrictions for commodity program participants might enable some producers to switch from program crops to fruit and vegetables in such areas as California, the upper Midwest and the coastal plain in the Southeastern States. For the full report, see Eliminating Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: How Would Markets be Affected? (November 2006).

Fruit and Vegetable Backgrounder (April 2008) describes the economic characteristics of the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry, providing supply, demand, and policy background for an industry that accounts for nearly a third of U.S. crop cash receipts and a fifth of U.S. agricultural exports. A variety of challenges face this complex and diverse industry in both domestic and international markets, ranging from immigration reform and its effect on labor availability to international competitiveness.

Regulatory Barriers in International Horticultural Markets (January 2004) examines the impact of multilateral trade rules on the use of sanitary and phytosanitary measures applied to fruit and vegetable imports. These rules have lowered many unnecessary barriers to horticultural trade, primarily through requirements that regulations be transparent and based on science.

French Fries Driving Globalization of Frozen Potato IndustryPDF file (October 2002) examines the growth of the frozen potato industry and the global expansion of potato production and processing. While traditional markets for frozen potato products such as the United States, Europe, Canada, and Japan show signs of maturing, potential growth markets still exist, particularly in Asia and South America.

Recommended Data Products

Most recent tables from Vegetable and Melons Outlook containing acreage, production, prices, crop values, U.S. trade, and more for potatoes (ExcelExcel file, PDFPDF file) and sweet potatoes (ExcelExcel file, PDFPDF file).

Potato Statistics provides time-series tables (ExcelExcel file format) describing U.S. potato production and disposition data by State and season, including acreage, yield, production sold, value of sales, and sales per harvested acre.

Vegetables and Melons Yearbook contains 141 tables in spreadsheets (ExcelExcel file format) detailing 25 years of annual and monthly data for U.S. acreage, production, prices, trade, per capita use, grower cash receipts, and more.

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U.S. Agricultural Trade
Vegetables and Melons
Food Market Systems in the U.S.

Related Links

Links to other USDA and Federal agencies concerned with potatoes.

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Updated date: August 26, 2008