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Sample Downloading Script for NARR data at NCDC
At my presentation at the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) user's group meeting (San Diego, January 11, 2005), I said that I would make available a sample script that will download NARR data from the NCDC's ftp4u servers. The script was long and ugly and I suspected that an easier and faster method was possible. Didn't have time before the meeting to test my hunch. My hunch was right, so this is the suggested method for obtaining NARR grib data. NCDC has developed a simple-to-use perl script to get selected subsets of NARR grib data using this technique.

Example script:
# download selected variables from NARR 19790102-09Z merged-a data from NCDC


a="$yymm/$date/narr-a_221_${date}_${hr}00_000" $a.inv | egrep ":(HGT|TMP):500 mb" | $a.grb out.grb
echo "finished downloading 500 mb height and temperature"

Dan Swank (NCDC) wrote a nice wrapper using get_inv/get_grib for the NARR data. His perl script shows how easy data access should be.


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