Home > Publications & Reports > Directory of EIA Models 2005

Directory of EIA Models 2005
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This directory was prepared by the Energy Information Administration, National Energy Information Center. Questions relating to the uses of specific models may be directed to the individual model contacts listed in the model descriptions. Questions about this publication, as well as other energy inquiries, may be directed to the National Energy Information Center on (202) 586-8800.


This directory contains information about each model, including the title, acronym, description, followed by more details on characteristics, uses, and requirements. Sources for additional information are identified. Included in this directory are 18 EIA active models as of December 2005. The models are divided into two groups and are listed in alphabetical order within those groups, except for the Integrating Module, which is listed first. The first group lists those models which are part of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). The second group lists all other EIA models that are not part of NEMS.


Models of the National Energy Modeling System

Other EIA Models