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E-85 PumpEthanol is an alcohol-based alternative fuel produced by fermenting and distilling starchy crops that have been converted into simple sugars. Feedstocks include corn, sugar beets, sugar cane, sorghum, barley, and wheat. Ethanol can also be produced from "cellulosic biomass" such as corn stover, trees and grasses and is called bioethanol. Ethanol is most commonly used to increase octane and improve the emissions quality of gasoline.

"E85" is a renewable transportation fuel that is composed of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent petroleum. E85 is used in flex-fueled vehicles (vehicles can run on E85, regular gas or any mixture of the two.) There are currently more than 30 models of vehicles that can run on E85. It is estimated that there are almost 7 million flex-fueled vehicles on the road today.

Questions about Ethanol

Will ethanol blends hurt my car?
Most current vehicles are designed to run on up to 10% ethanol. flex-fueled vehicles (FFV) are designed to use up to 85% ethanol (E85) or regular petroleum gasoline without damaging the vehicle.

Can vehicles use pure ethanol?
Currently, there are no cars in the US that are approved to use 100% ethanol. Brazil has a significant number of vehicles currently using close to 100% ethanol, but the U.S market has yet to introduce a vehicle or the fuel for such usage.

I want to start using E85 in my older FFV. Do I need to do anything special?
Depending on the mileage and how your vehicle has been maintained, you may need to check and change the fuel filter after the first couple of tanks of E85. Ethanol acts as a solvent and will clean out your fuel system by keeping injectors and other components clean, but may deposit these materials into your filter.

What could happen if I use E85 in my non-FFV?
Short term, there may be minimal affects and the vehicle may respond well. Eventually, the fuel filter may plug, and the fuel pump may fail. At a minimum, you may have to have the fuel tank drained, and fuel filter replaced. Long term affects of E85 in a non-FFV may be seen in premature failures of gaskets, seals, valve seats, fuel system, piston rings and cylinder walls.

Can I convert my vehicle to run on E85?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to approve any conversion that changes the fuel type an engine uses. This is because the original engine was manufactured to meet certain air quality standards; the conversion must also meet those standards.

There is currently no approved conversion kit on the market. Two conversion companies have been given OBD II approval letters by the EPA, but those letters signify approval for only a small part of the total approval process. A conversion kit is approved for installation only after it has received an EPA Certificate of Conformity for the engine family or test group that the data was submitted. More information on the approval process.

Do I have to use special oil for my FFV when using E85?
Most Original Engine Manufacturers (OEM) indicate that there are no changes in oil needs. However, follow the OEM’s recommendations for required oil specifications and oil change intervals.

What is the fuel economy of E85?
The Fuel Economy Guide ( indicates a range of 20-35% fuel economy reduction when FFVs use E85 instead of gasoline. This is because the energy content of E85 is between 20% and 37% less than gasoline on a per-gallon basis.

Is there anything I can do to improve the fuel economy when I’m using E85?
The lower energy content of E85 makes the fuel economy lower no matter what you do. Information from, shows MPG reductions from 20-35% when using E85. With that being understood, driving habits, routine maintenance, proper tire inflation and reduced excess weight are all things that significantly aid in improving fuel economy.

Why does the price of E85 fluctuate more than gasoline?
E85 pricing is subject to all of the normal supply and demand influences affecting a product that has had significant growth and rapid ramp up of production capabilities. The prediction is that the volatility will subside as the product becomes more readily available and the increase in demand is more predictable. Retailers continue to exercise the freedom to set retail prices at the level they choose.

Does using E85 have greenhouse gas emissions impact?
The use of ethanol reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. On a per-gallon basis, corn ethanol could reduce GHG emissions by 18% to 28% when the complete life-cycle of the fuel is considered. Cellulosic ethanol (ethanol made from plant fiber materials) offers an even greater benefit, at 87% reduction in GHG emissions of the life cycle of the fuel.

Compared with the life cycle of gasoline, cellulosic ethanol from corn stalks and leaves reduce GHG emissions by 40%, reed canary grass by 85%, and switchgrass and hybrid poplar by 115%.

Some pollutants in tailpipe emissions are reduced significantly, others are increased. Compared to gasoline in Tier 2 (passenger type) vehicles, ethanol produced the following emissions:
55% to 70% less benzene, 1,3-butadiene, & PM2.5 when tested at 72°F
19% less benzene and 69% less PM2.5 when tested at 20°F
2 to 3 times more NMHC when tested at 20°F
50 to 120 times more acetaldehyde when tested at both 20°F and 72°F
2 to 4 times more formaldehyde when tested at both 20°F and 72°F

How much energy is needed to produce E85?
The fossil energy input per unit of ethanol is lower than the fossil energy needed to produce an equal unit of gasoline. Fossil energy needed to produce ethanol is 0.78 million British thermal units (Btu) per 1 million Btu of ethanol delivered. Fossil energy needed to produce gasoline is 1.23 million Btu per 1 million Btu of gasoline delivered.

How many FFVs are on the road in the US?
Over 6 million with a commitment from all domestic OEMs to increase FFV production each year. 

How many E85 stations are there in the US?
Over 1200, and growing each month. The majority of stations are in the US Corn Belt region, or in areas where air quality concerns are prevalent. Go to the Alternative Fueling Station Locator to find stations near you.

How much ethanol is produced in the US compared to the demand?
In 2006, US ethanol demand was 5.4 billion gallons with U.S. production capacity at 4.9 billion gallons. This supply constraint is being addressed; as of July 2007, 86 plants were under construction or expanding for an additional 6.4 billion gallons per year capacity. Also as of July 2007, the 119 existing ethanol refineries produced almost 6.2 billion gallons per year.

Does using ethanol for fuel reduce the amount of corn available for food?
The United States has typically accounted for 60-70% of world corn exports. With the expansion of fuel ethanol and higher corn prices, the U.S. share of global corn trade drops to 55-60%. Global adjustments to higher corn prices include reduced foreign demand and increased foreign production. In the years 2005 and 2006 12% of US corn harvested was used for food, seed and industrial ethanol; 55% was used for livestock feed.

Corn yields have grown from 126.5 bushels per acre in 1996 to an estimate of 153.5 in 2006. Biotechnology is helping seed companies develop improved corn varieties. Such improvements include higher-oil yield; high fermentable starch; drought-tolerant seeds and plants; a reduced the need for herbicides and pesticides and better nutrient uptake.

How much water does it take to produce a gallon of ethanol compared to gasoline?
Ethanol production plants use 3- 4 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of ethanol.

Some calculations claim it takes 985 or more gallons of water to grow the corn to produce one gallon of ethanol. These figures appear to be the total water needed and do not take into account existing soil moisture and growing season rainfall. Based on where the corn is grown, there may be very little supplemental water required.

A Google search shows that it takes 1851 gallons of water to refine one barrel of crude oil (no references given). According to the Energy Information Agency, 1 barrel of crude oil produces 19.6 gallons of finished motor gasoline. This translates into 94 gallons of water per gallon of gasoline for refining.


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