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Government Jobs / Federal Jobs / Post Office Jobs

Are you considering a government job? The federal government employs over 2,700,000 workers and hires hundreds of thousands each year to replace civil service workers that transfer to other federal government jobs, retire, or leave for other reasons. Average annual salary for full-time federal government jobs exceeds $67,000. The U.S. Government is the largest employer in the United States, hiring about 2.0 percent of the nation's work force. Federal government jobs can be found in every state and large metropolitan area, including overseas in over 200 countries. The average annual federal workers compensation, pay plus benefits, is $106,871 compared to just $53,288 for the private sector according to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.  

Government Job Vacancies
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(Quick Reference)

This site will assist you with your government job search and it guides you step-by-step through the process. Start with government jobs overview then visit other selections to explore this lucrative job market. Current and retired federal civil service employees will also find helpful information including a comprehensive Retirement Planning and Benefits Guide 

Educational Opportunities - Online degrees or Certificates can lead to higher pay & promotions

(Click on this banner to explore your options)

Government Jobs Scam Alert

Numerous companies are taking advantage of those who are out-of-work and looking for federal jobs. The federal government is one of the few sectors still actively hiring and in large numbers. Many private companies are charging anywhere from $100 to over $1,000 dollars for test prep materials and online self assessments and evaluations. The federal government doesn't charge for job information and 80% of all federal government (non-postal service) jobs don't require a written entrance exam. The examination mentioned in the job announcement, for the most part, is simply an evaluation of your work history, education, and background that you list on your federal style resume, not a written test... (Read Complete Article


Books and Software to Help You Find Government Jobs

The Book of U.S. Government Jobs - 10th edition
Post Office Jobs - 5th edition (Includes 473 Study Guide)
Quick & Easy Federal Jobs Kit - Federal Job Application & Resume Software
Take Charge of Your Federal Career - Career Guide for Federal Employees
Health Care Job Explosion!  -  4th edition

Helpful Web Sites

Career Development - Federal Employee Career Development & Plans / IDPs update.gif (1754 bytes)
Federal Employee Retirement Planning - FREE Retirement Planning Site
Post Office Jobs  - Job Search and Career Center
Health Care Jobs - Job Search and Career Center
EHS Jobs - Environmental Health & Safety Jobs Career Center
Bookhaven Press LLC - Publisher Site
Stolen License Plates -What to do when you plate is stolen

Book Updates
Click on the title below for the latest updates, corrections, and program revisions.

The Book of U.S. Government Jobs  (10th edition)
Post Office Jobs update.gif (1754 bytes) (5th edition) New phone number for job vacancies.

Sponsored Sites

    http://Mediawebsource.com This excellent web site provides valuable information that any band or songwriter would need in their quest to launch or expand their music career.

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Government Jobs / Federal Jobs / Post Office Jobs

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 Government Job
Over half of the federal workforce is now eligible for regular or early retirement. That means tremendous opportunities for those seeking federal government jobs.

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There are three ways to navigate this site. You can use the menu buttons in the left margin that are repeated on each page, click on the site map, or use the abbreviated quick reference Table of Contents on this page.



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