Doors Are Open!


Avoid the Lines »

After a historic opening weekend and some great reviews, the new Academy is off and running. Buy tickets online and come explore!

What People Are Saying »

The Bay Area is abuzz over the new Academy. Visitors are Flickring and Twittering non-stop. See what they're saying.

Sneak Peeks


No Place Like It »

A four-story rainforest, an aquarium, a planetarium, and a natural history museum all under one living roof! Take a closer look at the venues and exhibits.

Penguin Cams »

Hang out with Howard, Ocio and the rest of the African Penguin colony - even when you're not visiting the Academy.

More than a Museum


Research »

It's the Academy's research division that lends the institution world-class credibility. Learn how staff scientists are exploring and explaining the natural world.

Education »

The Academy is expanding its educational outreach efforts. Check out the new Teacher section.

Around the Academy