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  Working Papers

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The FCC International Bureau's Working Paper Series presents staff analysis and research in various states. These papers are intended to stimulate discussion and critical comment within the FCC, as well as outside the agency, on issues in international communications policy. Titles may include preliminary work and reports on work in progress, as well as completed research. The analyses and conclusions in the Working Paper Series are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of other members of the International Bureau, other Commission staff, or the Commission itself. Given the preliminary character of some titles, it is advisable to check with author before quoting or referencing these Working Papers in other publications.

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  1. "Traits of an Independent Communications Regulator: a Search for Indicators" by Irene Wu, International Bureau Working Paper.06-17-04
    Release [Acrobat|Word|Text] Results of June 2003 Survey

  2. "The Limits of Economic Regulation: The U.S. Experience", by Peyton L. Wynns describes regulatory experience in four industries in which network connections are important: airline, railroad, trucking and telephone. 06-22-04
    Release [Acrobat|Word|Text]

  3. "Competition between Cable Television and Direct Broadcast Satellite – It’s More Complicated than You Think," by economists Andrew Wise and Kiran Duwadi 01-27-05
    Release [Acrobat|Word|Text]   


last reviewed/updated on Monday, 25-Apr-05 10:08:24  

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