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  Satellite Competition Report

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Satellite Competition Report

In July 2005, Congress adopted and President Bush signed into law the Communications Satellite Act—Amendment (Pub. L. No. 109-34, 119 Stat. 377) (“Amendment Act”), which amended the Communications Satellite Act of 1962 (47 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.). Section 4 of the Amendment Act requires the FCC to submit to Congress an annual report that analyzes the competitive market conditions with respect to domestic and international satellite communications services. On March 26, 2007, the Commission released the first Satellite Competition Report. That first report and related information may be found at the “Historical Documents” link on the left. The International Bureau is currently working on the second of these annual Satellite Competition Reports.

banner curve Document Links  banner corner

2007 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers
Link to Supplemental Comments of the Satellite Industry Association (2.6 mb)

Public Notice: IB invites Coments for Second Annual Report to Congress on Status of Competition in the Satellite Services Market
pdf image to Pulbic Notice

Comments of the Satellite Industry Association
Link to Comments of the Satellite Industry Association

Supplemental Comments of the Satellite Industry Association
Link to Supplemental Comments of the Satellite Industry Association


last reviewed/updated on Friday, 29-Feb-08 11:11:18  

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