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Site Contractors
Fluor Hanford

Fluor Hanford Logo 

A prime contractor to the Department of Energy (DOE) since 1996, Fluor Hanford has approximately 3,600 employees and manages several major activities at the Hanford Site, including dismantling former nuclear processing facilities, monitoring and cleaning up the site’s contaminated groundwater, retrieving and processing transuranic waste for off-site shipment, maintaining the site's infrastructure, providing fire protection (Hanford Fire Department), providing security (Hanford Patrol), and operating the Volpentest HAMMER Training & Education Center.

Since coming to Hanford, Fluor has reduced OSHA recordable injuries by 85 percent. There were 33 injuries in 8.6 million hours worked in fiscal year 2006, down from 411 in 15 million hours worked in 1996.

From 2000-2004, Fluor Hanford moved 2,300 tons of spent nuclear fuel—80% of the DOE’s entire inventory of spent nuclear fuel—out of leak-prone basins and into dry storage. The governor of Washington State once called the corroding spent fuel in the K Basins one of the top three risks at Hanford (plutonium material needing stabilization and tank waste needing treatment were identified as the other two top risks). In that same period, Fluor Hanford stabilized 18 metric tons of plutonium material in a variety of forms and packaged the material, either as waste for shipment out of the state, or as special nuclear material for later consolidation. Plutonium nitrate solutions that were stabilized as part of the campaign were once considered one of the top five risks in the DOE Complex.

One of the world's largest, publicly owned engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance services companies, Fluor has more than 35,000 employees working in some 25 countries across 6 continents. Fluor is a FORTUNE 500 company that is ranked #1 in FORTUNE magazine's “Engineering, Construction” category of America's largest corporations. Fluor's project management and partnering approach, as well as its focus on workplace safety, has become known internationally for accelerating schedules, improving safety, improving quality, and reducing costs.

As the primary management contractor for Project Hanford, Fluor Hanford has the ultimate responsibility for the entire project.

Project Hanford Management Contract Fact Sheet

Address: Fluor Hanford, Inc. (FH)
P.O. Box 1000
Richland, WA 99352-1000
President & Chief Executive Officer: Con Murphy
Email: Con_Murphy@rl.gov
  Last Updated: 05/30/2007 08:13 AM
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