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Hanford Site Contractors
DOE Office of River Protection


As directed by Congress, the Office of River Protection was established in 1998 to manage the Department of Energy's largest, most complex environmental cleanup project - Hanford tank waste retrieval, treatment, and disposal. Sixty percent by volume of the nation's high-level radioactive waste is stored at Hanford in aging deteriorating tanks. If not cleaned up, this waste is a threat to the Columbia River and the Pacific Northwest. Creation of the Office was the next step in the evolution of tank waste cleanup.

The Office of River Protection was created to:

  • Appoint one person in charge who is accountable and responsible for the project's success.
  • Establish an autonomous organization that reports directly to DOE Headquarters.
  • Streamline the management structure and the decision making process.
  • Avoid past problems encountered by the Department of Energy (cost overruns, delays) when undertaking major projects.
Key features of the Office of River Protection include:
  • Systematically integrating work for Hanford tank waste storage, retrieval, treatment, and disposal.
  • Coordinating and integrating work of multiple contractors working under dramatically different contracting mechanisms.
  • Establishing staff levels and skill mix to ensure that the Hanford tank waste mission will succeed.

Address: U.S. Department of Energy
Office of River Protection
2440 Stevens Dr.
Richland, WA. 99352
Manager: Shirley J. Olinger
Email: Shirley_J_Olinger@orp.doe.gov
  Last Updated: 02/29/2008 01:39 PM
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