APHIS provides leadership for determining standards of humane care and treatment of animals. APHIS implements those standards and achieves compliance through inspection, education, and cooperative efforts.

Meeting and Events


SCAW IACUC-Advanced in Las Vegas, NV on October 10, 2008

Animal Welfare Update


The latest news and information concerning Animal Welfare.

Horse Protection Update


The latest news and information concerning Horse Protection.

Publications and Reports

Recent Issues concerning Animal Welfare

AC is dedicated to providing users with helpful information about the enforcement of the AWA. Click on the More Button to view the Animal Welfare Act and Regulations, Animal Welfare Fact sheets, Policies, Manuals, Technical Notes, and other documents of interest.

Horse Protection

Recent Issues concerning Animal Welfare

The Horse Protection Act (HPA) prohibits horses subjected to a process called soring from participating in exhibitions, sales, shows, or auctions. Click on the More Button to view the HPA and Regulations, relevant publications, legal documents, and recent issues, reports and highlights related to the HPA.

Pet Travel

Recent Issues concerning Animal Welfare

Click on the More Button to view basic information on domestic and international travel of common pets and other animals, including useful websites, tips and facts, and links to pertinent Veterinary Information.


Recent Issues concerning Animal Welfare

Click on the More Button to view and download forms pertaining to Animal licensees, dealers, and exhibitors, as well as links explaining how to request and obtain an application kit.


Recent Issues concerning Animal Welfare

Click on the More Button to view websites of interest regarding animal welfare.

Printable Version

Last Modified: September 11, 2008