

The Electronic Embassy Web site turned thirteen years old on May 1, 2008... more than a dozen years on the World Wide Web! When the site was launched, only two of Washington's foreign embassies were on the Web.

Philippine Embassy, Washington D.C. Now, most of the embassies have homes on the Internet to complement their addresses on Embassy Row.

The embassy.org site's Business Directories allows companies serving the international community, and those working, living, and traveling internationally, to find their audience.

New Feature: Washington D.C.-area real estate listings.

We also offer mailing lists for use in reaching the Washington D.C. foreign embassy and consular communities.

Today's Trivia Question:


Embassy Row in Washington D.C. crosses one of the country's largest urban parks--what is its name?


Think you know the answer?

U.S. Passport and Visa Services
Apply for U.S. passport and travel visas online - secure application, professional services, guaranteed results. VisaHQ

Today's Featured Company from the Business Directories:


The School Counseling Group
The School Counseling Group, Inc. consults with parents and students on school-related issues. Our counselors offer guidance for children ages 2-20, in the US or overseas, on such topics as college, day and boarding school placements, the application process, and where to turn if your child develops specialized learning or emotional needs.


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The embassy.org site is a service of Stapleton-Gray & Associates, Inc. Information where not otherwise attributed, copyright © 1995-2008, Stapleton-Gray & Associates, Inc.