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Science@NASA Story Archives
  12.28.2007 - SERVIR: NASA lends a helping hand in Central America
Earth Science: NASA is bringing high-tech satellite images and visualization tools to bear on the unique environmental problems of Central America.
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  12.21.2007 - Asteroid Threatens to Hit Mars
Asteroids: NASA-funded astronomers are monitoring a Tunguska-sized asteroid that will pass within 30,000 miles of Mars on Jan. 30, 2008. Based on data currently available, the space rock has a 1-in-75 chance of actually hitting Mars and blasting a crater more than half-a-mile wide.
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  12.20.2007 - Christmas Eve Sky Show
Astronomy: Consider it an early Christmas gift: On Dec. 24th the Moon and Mars are putting on a beautiful late-night sky show.
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  12.18.2007 - NASA Announces Discovery of Assault by a Black Hole
Chandra X-ray Observatory: A powerful jet from a supermassive black hole is blasting a nearby galaxy and possibly causing profound problems for planets in the jet's path.
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  12.14.2007 - Is a New Solar Cycle About to Begin?
Solar Weather: The solar physics community is abuzz this week. No, there haven't been any great eruptions or solar storms. The source of the excitement is a modest knot of magnetism that popped up on the sun, possibly heralding the start of a new solar cycle.
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  12.11.2007 - NASA Spacecraft Make New Discoveries about Northern Lights
Space Weather: NASA's fleet of THEMIS satellites have made some surprising new discoveries about outbursts of Northern Lights and the source of their power. The discoveries include giant magnetic ropes that connect Earth to the Sun and explosions in the outskirts of Earth's magnetic field.
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  12.6.2007 - New Discovery: The Sun is Bristling with X-ray Jets
Space Weather: Astronomers using Japan's Hinode spacecraft have discovered a major new form of solar activity: abundant x-ray jets.
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  12.3.2007 - Asteroid Shower
Looking Up: Mark your calendar: The best meteor shower of 2007 peaks on Friday, December 14th.
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  11.30.2007 - Improving Drought Forecasts
Earth Science: From the deserts of the American southwest to the pine forests of the Deep South, drought-weary residents have one thing on their minds: "I wish it would rain!" Technically, what they should be wishing for is "more streamflow." Find out why in today's story.
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  11.28.2007 - Chandra Discovers a Cosmic Cannonball
Chandra X-ray Observatory: Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have discovered one of the fastest stars ever seen--a "cosmic cannonball" that is challenging theories to explain its blistering speed.
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  11.23.2007 - Watch Out for Flying Moondust
The Moon: New research by NASA scientists shows that moondust kicked up by the jets of lunar landers can go on a fantastic journey, completely circling the Moon before settling back to the ground. This interesting phenomenon may affect the planning of lunar outposts and other activities as NASA prepares its return to the Moon.
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  11.21.2007 - Mars Doubles in Brightness
Looking Up: During the past month, Mars has doubled in brightness and now it is putting a nice show for backyard stargazers. A good night to look is Nov. 26th when Mars has an eye-catching close encounter with the Moon.
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  11.19.2007 - Bargain Basement Satellites
The Cutting Edge: NASA scientists have developed a fast and easy-to-build satellite named FASTSAT that could accelerate the pace of space exploration.
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  11.15.2007 - Moon Rocket Parachute Tests a Success
Astronauts: How do you bring a 200,000-pound rocket booster back to Earth after it catapults its payload toward the moon? NASA has answered that question with a successful test of a giant "moon rocket" parachute in the Arizona desert.
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  11.13.2007 - Strange Space Weather over Africa
Solar Weather: Scientists are converging on Ethiopia this week to discuss a new and strange form of space weather over Africa.
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  11.9.2007 - In the Blink of a Hurricane's Eye
Earth Science: NASA-supported scientists are working on a new device to help predict the sudden transformation of tropical storms to deadly hurricanes.
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  11.7.2007 - Repair Shops for Broken DNA
Astronauts: NASA-supported scientists have discovered cellular repair shops where DNA broken by space radiation may be put back together again.
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  11.2.2007 - A Fantastic Monday Morning Sky Show
Looking Up: On Monday morning, Nov. 5th, space shuttle Discovery is scheduled to undock from the ISS while the pair are gliding over many US towns and cities. The two spaceships will cut across a glittering expanse of morning stars dotted by bright planets and a Venus-Moon conjunction.
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  10.17.2007 - The Fantastic Skies of Orphan Stars
Chandra X-ray Observatory: Do you love gazing at a starry night sky? Nothing you've ever seen on Earth could prepare you for the fantastic skies of some "orphan stars" just discovered by astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.
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  10.12.2007 - New Lakes Discovered on Titan
Planetary Exploration: The Cassini spacecraft has discovered three new lakes near the south pole of Saturn's moon Titan. These strange bodies are filled not with water but liquid methane and ethane. Researchers are also studying a lake near Titan's north pole larger than Lake Superior.
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  10.11.2007 - Giant Atmospheric Waves Sighted Over Iowa
Weather & Climate: Last week, cameras in Iowa captured a giant atmospheric wave passing over Des Moines--see the movie in today's story. Atmospheric scientists believe these waves, called undular bores, may be more common and important than previously thought.
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  10.4.2007 - Tones from Deep Space
Planetary Exploration: Fifty years after the launch of Sputnik kicked off the Space Age, an ultra-modern probe heading for Pluto is using retro Sputnik-like tones to communicate with Earth.
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  10.1.2007 - The Sun Rips off a Comet's Tail
Space Weather: Earlier this year, Comet Encke was passing a little too close to the Sun when a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit the comet and ripped off its tail. NASA's STEREO spacecraft was watching and recorded a must-see movie featured in today's story.
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  9.28.2007 - A New Lunar Impact Observatory
The Moon: Researchers from the Marshall Space Flight Center have built a new "lunar impact" observatory in rural north Georgia. They're using it for their own cutting edge research and sharing the facility with local middle- and high-school students.
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  9.27.2007 - Voyage to the Giant Asteroids--Liftoff!
Asteroids: NASA's Dawn spacecraft has left Earth on a mission to explore the giant asteroids Ceres and Vesta. Today's Science@NASA story explains the scientific reasons for making the trip.
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  9.26.2007 - Blasting a Hole in a Comet: Take 2
Comets: Two years ago, NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft blasted a hole in Comet Tempel 1, offering researchers their first look inside a comet. One small problem: The cloud of debris was so thick no one could clearly see the crater. But now the dust has cleared and another NASA spacecraft is returning to the scene to examine the hole Deep Impact wrought.
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  9.21.2007 - Cave Skylights Spotted on Mars
Mars Exploration: NASA's Mars orbiters have spotted "skylights" apparently leading to cavernous underground spaces on Mars. The discovery is fueling interest in potential underground habitats and sparking searches for caverns elsewhere on the Red Planet.
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  9.18.2007 - A Giant Trilobite on the Sun
Solar Physics: Last week scientists converged on the Living With a Star workshop to share the latest research in solar physics. At one point, nearly 200 participants sat slack-jawed as they watched a new movie recorded by Japan's Hinode spacecraft showing a sunspot emerging from the depths of the sun.
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  9.14.2007 - Fasten Your Seat Belts
Astronomy: NASA's adventurous Discovery program--responsible for the first rover on another planet, the first landing on an asteroid, the first samples of a comet returned to Earth and much more--is about to get even better.
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  9.7.2007 - The Universe Through the Looking Glass
Astronomy: Astronomers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center are testing a strangely-shaped mirror that will allow them to explore the Universe using super-energetic X-rays.
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  8.31.2007 - Cosmic Cockroaches
Chandra X-ray Observatory: A tough, pesky molecule possibly key to the origins of life on Earth has been spotted in deep space surviving the ferocious blastwave of a supernova explosion.
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  8.27.2007 - The Exploding Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse: On Tuesday morning, Aug. 28th, a team of astronomers and engineers at the Marshall Space Flight Center will attempt something never done before--to observe meteoroids hitting the Moon and exploding during a lunar eclipse.
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  8.21.2007 - Hurtling Toward Mars
Looking Up: Earth and Mars are rapidly converging. Relative speed: 22,000 mph. Contrary to rumor, Mars is not about to swell to the size of a full Moon, but there is something eerie and Martian to look for in the night sky next week.
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  8.16.2007 - Basil Orbits Earth
Astronauts: When she blasted off onboard the space shuttle last week, teacher-turned-astronaut Barbara Morgan carried millions of basil seeds to the ISS. Soon she'll return millions more "space seeds" for students on Earth to study.
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  8.15.2007 - A Star with a Comet's Tail
Astronomy: Astronomers have discovered something they've never seen before: a star with a tail like a comet.
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  8.10.2007 - Of Skunks and Telescopes
Astronomy: This human interest story describes a night in the life of scientists and engineers working 'round the clock to test NASA's next great space telescope.
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  8.8.2007 - Strange Lights: The 2007 Aurigid Meteor Shower
Looking Up: On Sept. 1st, a flurry of bright and oddly-colored meteors could spill across the skies of western North America--or not. Forecasters are divided about what will happen next month when Earth runs into an ancient stream of debris from Comet Kiess.
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  8.3.2007 - Dreamy Lunar Eclipse
Looking Up: Mark your calendar: On Tuesday morning, August 28th, there's going to be a dreamy, colorful, total eclipse of the Moon.
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  7.27.2007 - Piranha Black Holes
Black Holes: Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have caught some supermassive black holes engaged in a piranha-like feeding frenzy.
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  7.20.2007 - Mars Rovers Caught in Severe Dust Storm
Mars Exploration: A severe dust storm is underway on Mars, causing an energy crisis for NASA's Mars rovers. Dust in the atmosphere has blocked 99 percent of direct sunlight to Opportunity's solar panels.
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  7.18.2007 - Flying Into a Thunderstorm
Earth Science: This month in the skies above Costa Rica, scientists are flying into thunderclouds to learn more about the inner workings of furious storms.
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  7.16.2007 - Throttling Back to the Moon
Propulsion: Accelerating from 0 to 60, then slowing down for a stop light is no problem for an ordinary automobile. But if you were piloting a rocketship, it wouldn't be so easy.
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  7.11.2007 - Great Perseids
Looking Up: The Perseid meteor shower is coming, and experts say it should be a great show.
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  7.6.2007 - The Adventures of ASTRO and NextSat
Robots: A pair of robots named ASTRO and NextSat have been working together in Earth orbit, docking, undocking, flying around and refueling, as if they have minds of their own.
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  6.28.2007 - Risky Descent
Mars Exploration: NASA's Mars rover Opportunity is scheduled to begin a descent down a rock-paved slope into the Red Planet's massive Victoria Crater. This carries real risk for the long-lived robotic explorer, but NASA and the Mars Rover science team expect it to provide valuable science.
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  6.27.2007 - Summer Moon Illusion
Looking Up: For sky watchers in the northern hemisphere, this weekend is the best time of the year to experience the mysterious and beautiful Moon Illusion.
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  6.25.2007 - Thinking Big About Space Telescopes
Astronomy: NASA's next Moon rocket is still on the drawing board, but already scientists are dreaming up big new things to do with it--such as launching giant telescopes into space.
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  6.15.2007 - Voyage to the Giant Asteroids
Asteroids: This summer, NASA will launch a robotic probe to visit two stange and giant asteroids--one is covered with ice while the other may have been blasted by an ancient supernova. The tales these asteroids tell may reveal the true beginnings of our solar system.
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  6.11.2007 - Tether Origami
Space Transportation: A Japanese tether of novel construction could unfold new opportunities in space.
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  6.5.2007 - Venus Flyby
Planetary Astronomy: Today when NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft flies by Venus en route to Mercury, the craft will shoot a laser beam into Venus' clouds, among other experiments, to learn more about Earth's "evil twin."
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  5.30.2007 - Awesome Upheaval
Chandra X-ray Observatory: Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have discovered "an exceptionally dramatic event" in the nearby Universe. They're not sure what caused it, but they've narrowed it down to two exciting possibilites.
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  5.30.2007 - Blue Moon over North America
Looking Up: This Thursday evening, May 31st, the moon over North America will become full for the second time in the month of May. According to folklore, that makes it a blue moon.
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  5.25.2007 - A Breakthrough in Solar Storm Forecasting
Space Weather: A scientist using the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has found a way to forecast solar radiation storms.
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  5.18.2007 - The Equivalence Principle
Fundamental Physics: In the folklore of physics, no story is better known than the tale of Galileo dropping balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa and proving that gravity accelerates all objects equally regardless of their masses or composition. This is called the "equivalence principle," and it is a cornerstone of modern physics. But was Galileo correct?
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  5.11.2007 - Preventing "Sick" Spaceships
International Space Station: Wherever humans go, microorganisms follow--and that includes space. Bacteria and other microbes living onboard spaceships may not only cause health problems for the crew, but also cause the spaceship itself to malfunction.
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  5.7.2007 - The Brightest Supernova Ever
Chandra X-ray Observatory: Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes have recorded the brightest supernova ever seen.
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  5.4.2007 - Methane Blast
Propulsion: NASA-supported scientists and engineers have successfully tested a methane-powered rocket engine. The firing was not only remarkably beautiful but also may herald a new type of spacecraft that one day roams the outer solar system gathering fuel from planets and moons that it visits.
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  5.1.2007 - Fantastic Flyby
Jupiter: Today, NASA released stunning new images taken by the New Horizons spacecraft during its recent flyby of Jupiter. Highlights include a movie of an erupting volcano on Jupiter's moon Io and the best-ever color photo of Jupiter's "Little Red Spot."
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  4.27.2007 - Noxious Lightning
Lightning: Lightning is more than just heat and light: it's a chemical factory that produces a natural pollutant called "NOx" that can affect both local air quality and global climate. NASA scientists are developing new ways to monitor lightning NOx from Earth orbit.
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  4.24.2007 - A Massive Explosion on the Sun
Space Weather: Last December, Japan's Hinode spacecraft observed a massive explosion on the sun. Researchers analyzing the data have now produced a must-see movie of the flare's magnetic underpinnings.
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  4.13.2007 - Dusty Hurricanes
Earth Science: What happens to a hurricane when it gets hit by a dust storm? This is an important question because Atlantic hurricanes are born not far from the Sahara desert. To find the answer, NASA scientists recently flew into a dusty hurricane.
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  4.12.2007 - Black Hole Eclipse
Astronomy: NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has observed a remarkable eclipse of a supermassive black hole, allowing a disk of hot matter swirling around the hole to be measured for the first time.
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  4.6.2007 - Lab-on-a-Chip Works!
International Space Station: A miniature biological laboratory important to the future of space exploration has just been tested successfully onboard the International Space Station.
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  3.29.2007 - Big Auroras on Jupiter
Chandra X-ray Observatory: NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has observed some spectacular Northern Lights on the planet Jupiter.
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  3.28.2007 - First Steps to Mars
Space Station: The rockets are still on the drawing board, and some of the astronauts haven't even been born yet. Nevertheless, NASA's journey to Mars has already begun.
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  3.21.2007 - New Phenomena on the Sun
Space Weather: NASA has released never-before-seen images that show intense activity in an unexpected place on the sun.
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  3.14.2007 - Shooting Marbles at 16,000 mph
Meteors: NASA scientists are shooting marbles at 16,000 mph to learn what happens when meteoroids hit the Moon.
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  3.12.2007 - STEREO Eclipse
Earth and Moon: NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft was about a million miles from Earth last month when it photographed the Moon passing in front of the sun. The resulting movie looks like it came from an alien solar system.
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  3.9.2007 - Alien Volcano
Io: When New Horizons flew past Jupiter on Feb. 28th, the spacecraft snapped a picture of a volcanic eruption on Io that amazed even longtime experts in the field. The must-see photo is featured in today's story from Science@NASA.
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  3.9.2007 - Blast Off for Orbital Express
NASA Technology: The Orbital Express mission to test cutting-edge automated rendezvous and docking technologies blasted off from Cape Canaveral last night.
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  3.5.2007 - Look Ma! No (Human) Hands!
Robots: Two satellites slated for launch this week are heading for an extraordinary rendezvous in Earth orbit. The name of the mission is Orbital Express and its goal is to test futuristic technologies key to the exploration of the moon and Mars.
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  3.2.2007 - Mysteries of Rain and Snow
Earth Science: People encounter rain and snow every day, and scientists have studied precipitation for centuries, yet it's amazing how much we still don't know about water that falls from the sky.
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  2.26.2007 - Grand Theft Pluto
Planetary Exploration: En route to Pluto, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is about to fly by Jupiter, and while it's there, steal some velocity for the trip ahead.
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  2.22.2007 - No Safe Place
Solar Physics: The Ulysses spacecraft has discovered that there is no place in the inner solar system completely safe from radiation storms.
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  2.20.2007 - A Cool Solar Mystery
Solar Physics: One pole of the sun is cooler than the other. That's the surprising conclusion announced today by scientists who have been analyzing data from the ESA-NASA Ulysses spacecraft.
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  2.14.2007 - The Moon is a School for Exploration
The Moon: NASA has been exploring space for nearly half a century, yet there's one thing we still don't know: what is the best way to explore an alien planet?
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  2.12.2007 - Lunar Eclipse
The Moon: Mark your calendar: On March 3, 2007, the Moon will turn red during a total lunar eclipse visible from parts of all seven continents, including the eastern half of the United States.
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  2.7.2007 - South Pole Flyby
Solar Physics: Today, the ESA-NASA Ulysses spacecraft is flying over uncharted territory--the mysterious South Pole of the sun.
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  2.2.2007 - 181 Things to do on the Moon
The Moon: If you woke up tomorrow morning and found yourself on the moon, what would you do? NASA has just released a list of 181 good ideas.
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  1.31.2007 - Floods! Fire! SERVIR!
Earth Science: When deadly floods struck Panama last November, a space-age "situation room" named SERVIR helped save lives.
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  1.26.2007 - The Moon is a Harsh Witness
The Moon: In this story, planetary geologist Paul Spudis discusses some of the mysteries of Earth that might be solved by returning to the Moon.
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  1.23.2007 - Lunar Transient Phenomena
The Moon: NASA astronomers have been watching the night side of the Moon for more than a year, and they've just released highlight videos of some of the surprising things they've seen.
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  1.8.2007 - Metric Moon
The Moon: It's official: the Moon is on the metric system. NASA is returning to the Moon, and the agency has decided to use metric units for all future lunar operations.
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  1.5.2007 - Mayan Ruins on PBS
Earth Science: NASA scientists are using Earth-orbiting satellites to discover hidden ruins in Central American jungles. It's called 'space archeology.' You can find out all about it on a PBS broadcast of NOVA's 'Mayan Ruins' this Tuesday, Jan. 9th, at 8 pm EST.
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  1.3.2007 - Lunar Geminids
The Moon: NASA astronomers watched at least five Geminid meteoroids hit the Moon and explode during the recent Geminid meteor shower. Soon, they plan to release software that will help amateur astronomers see these explosions for themselves.
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Curator: Bryan Walls
NASA Official: John M. Horack
Last Updated: December 28, 2007
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