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MISR Level 3 Products Quality Statement
dated March 24, 2003

Quality Designator:

MISR maturity level definitions

This statement applies to the MISR Level 3 Georectified Radiance product, MISR Level 3 Aerosol product, and the MISR Level 3 Land Surface product with a production date of March 24, 2003, or later until such a time as further improvements to MISR software or ancillary inputs are made. See the Versioning Page for an in-depth explanation of the differences between various MISR product versions. Quality statements covering earlier time periods may be accessed through links at the bottom of this page.

An extensive review of product quality has not yet been performed. Please read the summary words of caution if you have not done so already.

Although there are warnings relating to Beta and Provisional quality parameters,the MISR Level 3 software which generated this product is believed to be functioning quite well except where noted below. This statement highlights major known problems with the products, as well as functionalities which are currently not implemented.

Georectified | Aerosol | Land Surface

Component Global Georectified Radiance Product (a.k.a. CGGRP) (from MISR PGE 12a)
Quality Designator: Stage 1 Validated


All component global georectified radiance parameters now have a "Stage 1 Validated" status.


The Level 3 Georectified Radiance product is a summary of the L1B2 Terrain and L1B2 Ellipsoid Radiance products and therefore, all of the Level 1 quality statements apply.

Component Global Aerosol Product (a.k.a. CGAS) (from MISR PGE 12c)
Quality Designator: Stage 1 Validated


All component global aerosol parameters now have a "Stage 1 Validated" status.


The Level 3 Aerosol product is a summary of the Level 2 Aerosol product, therefore all of the Level 2 aerosol quality statements apply.

Component Global Land Surface Product (a.k.a. CGLS) (from MISR PGE 12c)
Quality Designator: Provisional/Beta


All component global land surface parameters now have a "Provisional" status with the exception of

DHR Shortwave which has a "Beta" status.


The Level 3 Land Surface product is a summary of the Level 2 Land Surface product, and therefore all of the Level 2 land surface quality statements apply.

Also see the
Main Quality Statement | MISR Access Data Table | ASDC Home Page | Questions/Feedback