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Acronym Definition Added/Updated
F Fahrenheit  10/20/2005
F&A Finance & Administration  06/30/2000
F&CT/PIT Fuel and control technology/postirradiation tests  06/30/2000
F&F Fire and forget (HELLFIRE)  06/30/2000
F&IE Facilities & industrial engineering  06/30/2000
F&OR Functional & operational requirements  06/30/2000
F&OR Functional and organizational requirements  06/30/2000
F&R Functions and requirements  06/30/2000
F&SAT Facility & systems analysis technology  06/30/2000
F/A Fuel assembly (complete)  06/30/2000
F/BPTG Fuel/Blanket Properties Task Group  06/30/2000
F/CC Fibers per cubic centimeter (of air) (f/cc or f/cm3)  06/30/2000
F/M Food-to-microorganism ratio  06/30/2000
FA Flow alarm  06/30/2000
FA Force account  06/30/2000
FA Fuels Administration Department  06/30/2000
FA&PLO* (OBSOLETE) Facility, analytical & post-irradiation laboratory operations (WHC)  01/21/2008
FA* (OBSOLETE) First Aid/Medical Aid Station (HEHF)  01/21/2008
FAA Federal Aviation Administration  06/30/2000
FAA Flame atomic absorption  06/30/2000